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    .temp I started what became the temp project in the spring of 2000 in ohio. My first gig was with a tap dancer and we just did a very spaced out interactive improv set. I spent 6 months working with a laptop quartet doing strictly improvisational shows, and then I moved London where temp proper has really come into its own. I use a powerbook running max/msp and do all of my sets using a patch I’ve been developing since 1999. the basic setup is that I have a live input into my computer from some sound source(tap shoes, a sax player, a singer, a ceiling fan, a power drill, people walking by the performance space, whatever) and then I build up soundscapes from these sources, using them as live samples for different processes and effects. This used to be a very laid back, atmospheric sound, and I would perform in quiet, “chill out” rooms at parties, that sort of thing. but lately it has become very much a harsh noise sound environment. Maybe it’s the pace of living in London, dealing with the public transport. Maybe its just a natural progression of things. The live show, and many songs on the album, have become increasingly about pushing the limits of the digital-to-analogue converters on my powerbook to their very ends. There is a real beauty to the sound of digital noise, machines breaking up, breaking down, not being able to handle the stream of ones and zeros. But my main focus remains on the improvisational nature of the sound. I walk into every show having no idea what my sound sources will be, or what I will do with them when I get them. This live element keeps the performance very fresh for me, and also lets me focus my attention not on perfecting every little bar of some sequenced track, but on the ability to react to sound in real-time and and respond to a sound world as it unfolds.
    london, england - United Kingdom

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