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    Artist description
    Melodic Acoustic Rock.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Anything Good
    Similar Artists
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    Artist History
    Jason was born in 1971 in NH, but grew up in the small town of Sabattus, Maine. He started playing the guitar at age 14. "My first real guitar was a Hondo II, that I got for my 8th grade graduation. It was a Junker but it made some cool noises." My first amp was a Fender sidekick 10. I would plug my Headphones in it and crank it up to 11. I went through allot of head phones back then. That changed my life, I was hooked. “Those instruments helped me find my inner soul!" After doing the usual round of garage and basement bands, I relocated to Columbia, SC and joined a Band in North Carolina called LionHeart a group that feature John Hatchel on Vocals. The band later changed their name to Love Junkie. LionHeart has played along side of bands like Ted Nuggent, Dokken and Bad Company. During the Love Junkie period I started recording my own songs I had laying around. That's when "SUZI" was born. In the beginning I never really like the song that much but it had a nice feel to it. Warren, a good friend of mine offered to record it with me. Warren added a whole new dimension to the song. Next thing I know "SUZI" is getting radio time. So I got back into the Studio and recorded "LIKE YOU DO" and a bunch of other songs for a CD I was going to call ACOUSTIFIED. LIKE YOU DO also started getting very good reviews. Living in South Carolina I got to frequent the same bars as Hootie And The Blowfish, Edwin McCain, Jackal and Brother Cane. Due to financial and personal reasons I decided to move back to Maine and hook up with some old band mates. That's when Tantrum was born. Featuring long time friends and band mates Dennis on Bass, Pete on vocals and Den C on Drums. We did some successful shows and started recording. That's when I decided to put SUZI and LIKE YOU DO on Bang! SUZI was at #1 in Maine in less than 3 days. That wasn't to bad seeing there were over 400 songs on there. Now currently located in Seattle I am recording some new songs for the ACOUSTIFIED CD. You can buy the CD or sample the songs at
    Group Members
    Jason Levasseur - Guitars, Vocals, BassBrandon Baily - Guitars, Piano, DrumsWarren Dent - backing vocals, bass, drums
    Press Reviews
    If you liked Whitesnake in the early '90s, you'll like Levasseur. It's not so much that they sound alike, it's just that there's a familiar self-indulgent emotionalism that leads to ballads with labored vocals and lots of solos.
    Additional Info
    I have more comming. Please check back soon
    Kirkland, WA - USA

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