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12th and

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    Artist description
    -THE HISTORY OF 12P- 12th and Pearl, where did we come from? It all began in late August. One night, Joel McAfee was at a party in Wayne, Ne when he met Chad Christensen (The Chad). After a few drinks they began to talk. Joel noticed Chad played guitar and mentioned that he himself knew two other guitarist. In fact, he graduated with them! There names are David and Matt Petersen. A week or so later, Joel caught up with Matt and said that there is a guy going to WSC who wants to start a band. Matt talked to his brother David about it, and a "get together" was set. We had a singer, Mike Stone, who lived down the block from Chad. Chad's cousin, Brandon also joined the band, where him and David switched on and off on bass. There you go, 12P was ready to make noise. Let me tell you, It was rough. Chad, who had previous experience in another band was ready to go. The rest of I said it was rough. Joel, our drummer, had only a couple of years playing drums in High School, and Matt and David had some equipment (guitar/bass) but the amps sucked. And our singer sang through a guitar amp. Some how we managed to set all that aside and we got down to business. We got several original songs down, such as "Opened Eyes" and a cover or two before our first accoustic set at the local coffee place. A couple weeks after that, Nov 2 2001 to be exact, we had our first full band experience in front of an audience at Brandon's house. A month later we played at Riley's bar in Wayne, and on New Years eve we played in Bancroft. After that show we took a couple weeks off for reflection and realized that we needed a new singer. We called Ryan Dohma, who graduated with Chad and was attending Dana college in Blair. And he was very excited to do it. With our new singer, we had a lot of work to do, we lost a lot of songs in the process, but in the end it was for the better. We worked and worked for the next 3-4 months with Ryan before our first party. Looking back on this, our singer learned a very important lesson, Don't get so drunk that you pass out 2 hours before the show. Then on June 1, 2002 we played at Sioux City's Annual June Jam, and that got everything rolling, On July 4th we played up at "THE CABINS" and had another Wayne band, COLD SWEAT, open for us. Now I don't remember much of that night, but man....that was fun! After that show, we decided to get some change, and moved our practices to "The Ranch." And a few weeks later we came to the conclusion that we didn't need two bassists and 12P chose David to stay. During the end of summer 12th and Pearl Played a couple shows here and there. And now, After exactly One year, Here we are, Still in Wayne. We've had some radio time on the WSC station and now...It is time to take over we come...
    Group Members
    Matt Petersen - Guitar Ryan Dohma - Vocals Joel McAfee - Drums Dave Petersen - Bass Chad Christensen - Guitar
    Jackson, Ne - USA

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