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    Music Style
    alternative - emo - acoustic - rock
    Musical Influences
    radiohead, at the drive-in, coldplay, hundred reasons, andy summers, pj harvey, sonic youth, the icarus line, blink 182, greenday, system of a down, ub40, marvin gaye, charlie parker
    Similar Artists
    the levelars without the fiddle and enlgish folk sound or at the drive-in with more singing
    Artist History
    Malone have been in existence (under differnet names) since late 1999 when Liam taught Seoras how to play bass. The pair tried countless drummers and even managed to play a few gigs but spent most of their time honing their craft and writing songs. By the summer of 2001 they were so fed up of not doing anything liam taught Dave how to play drums and long time allie, occasional co-conspirator and pianist Ed was also drafted in. Another few months past by with the band practicing constantly, aquiring equipment and writing more songs untill they played their first gig to round about 1000 people in Eden court in inverness. Since then gigs have been thin on the ground as the bands sound is, frankly, just too advanced for the area they live in which has its demand frimly on either traditional music or bands who are willing to play 60's and 70's cover songs. Malone could do the traditional thing (seoras is a phenomenal piper) but as for the covers, forget it! Although they have not played the amount of gigs they should have Malone's stage act is already an impressive animal. They have seen enough bands just stand still looking bored to know what doesn't make a good live experience or the audience, and even if there isn't an audience they still endevour to play just for the pure fun of it! However Malone cannot do all that is needed to be done alone so they urge anyone who thinks they can help to get in touch as soon as possible. Thank you
    Group Members
    liam sutherland - guitar / vox seoras campbell - bass / vox dave maclean - drums ed ellis - piano / guitar / vox
    guitar, piano, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, voice
    Press Reviews
    The Inverness Courier - 'loud, rustic but undeniably entertaining.'
    Additional Info
    Plockton, rosshire - United Kingdom

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