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    Artist description
    Nick is a very spiritual soul- his Natal chart is remarkable in that all the planets are above the horizon line. My astrologer says that indicates a person who is on a spiritual path in this lifetime! Nick has been into music almost from the moment he was born. At 6 months of age he was reaching to the keys of a piano and instead of pounding on them as a typical baby of that age would do, he would touch them gently and very melodically. By age 2 he was playing simple songs like Happy Birthday. etc. By age 5 his hands were large enough to start playing chords! That is when the fun really began. HE called to me from the piano that "this is how Grandpa's clock chimes sound" and proceeded to play the Westminster Chimes, the ST. Michael and the Whittington chimes! He was playing some very familiar music one afternoon, some of the piano work of George Winston. I asked his teacher about the music and she said they had played the Winter CD at nap time that week! Nick has perfect pitch, almost instant recall (he literally can hear a new piece of music one time and play it perfectly). He has an infinite catalog of songs in his head. Very few times can he be stumped when someone names a tune- he almost always knows it and can even tell you who first recorded it, when it was on the Top Ten, etc. He started writing original music about two years ago. He wrote the piece Bad Behavior Blues as an apology for the bus incident he sings about. Think Positive was written for his father, Mark Baker. His dad was one of his strongest supporters. Before he died in Feb. of 2001 he got to hear those two songs recorded. Nick seemed to kick into high gear after his dad passed. He has used the song writing as a way of dealing with his grief and loss. Nick has an older brother, Michael Baker (25) and a half brother Daniel Passage(15). He lives with his mom, Kathy and his stepfather Raymond Passage. Nick has pursued music, both in vocal and jazz instrumental groups through out his school years. His Mountain Sky Jr. High Jazz Ensemble was invited to perform at Disneyland's Carnation stage in CA two years in a row. Nick has been very active at WSSB (Washington State School for the Blind) in both the Jazz band - Out of Sight and the Honors Choir- In Harmony. In Harmony has released a CD, Accapella, which features Nick in several solo parts and on the piano.
    Music Style
    Pop, Hip Hop, Children's Music
    Musical Influences
    Michael Jackson
    Keyboards, vocals, samplers
    Think Positive, Songs with a Message
    Edmonds, WA - USA

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