Artist description
trenchant pop songs with a twist |
Music Style
altpoprockcountryfolk |
Musical Influences
Lou Reed, Hank Williams, the Beatles, the Stones, Bob Dylan, Thelonious Monk, Cole Porter, Frank Zappa, Dan Hicks, Bonzo Dog Band, Flying Burrito Brothers, Roxy Music, Woody Guthrie |
Artist History
see 'History of Western Civilization' |
Group Members
David Glennon, Jon Alexander, Michele Bailey, Kevin Sanders, Brenda Bayne, Alice Simkins |
vocals, backing vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, piano, sax, harmonica |
Now This, Five Sticks |
Press Reviews
Reviewers unrelated to the band have proclaimed wildly: "The Tonewelders spin a cool smooth mix of rock, country and blues on their new CD 'Five Sticks.' The songs are hip, funny and insightful"… "catchy tunes and off-beat lyrics"… "just the right mix of quirky originality and familiar styles"… "unexpectedly touching and even moving songs"… "I wish more bands would do different things like what The Tonewelders are doing"… "The songwriting quality and musicianship of this band is amazing." Read the complete reviews at www.tonewelders.com |
Additional Info
http://www.globalweb.homepage.com/tonewelders.html |
Gainesville, FL - USA |
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