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Drinking From The Fire

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    Artist description
    We are Humor Rap. We are often offensive, because our sense of humor is just like that. Our beats are better than beating a baby seal. Our rhymes are better than Leanne. Our favorite type of taffy is laffy taffy. We like slurpees. Code Red is tasty. What about the forensics? What about the ballistics? The CSI-ball? The zebras? It's a classic fish out of water tale.
    Music Style
    Humor Rap
    Musical Influences
    Ludacris, Tenacious D, deadeye dj, SPIE
    Similar Artists
    Ludacris, deadeye dj, SPIE
    Artist History
    Well, deadeye dj rapped a bit on his own, then collaborated with RG on Chinese Pudding, which is the birth of Fire Hose really. From then on it's afterbirth.
    Group Members
    RG/ R to the Goodness (Ryan Good), and deadeye dj
    RG-lyrix+rappage, dj Busby (deadeye dj)-everytang
    Press Reviews
    "God Bless You. Thank you for blessing my ears with your poop singing, appreciate the poo and it will appreciate you. My life is changed because of your lyrical presents. Amen." -Irish "Life is Now complete for me. Best song in the history of life. I don't know how the hell my roomate came across your site, but he sent me the link on AIM, and I am now checking out your site. I'm glad someone else appreciates the signifigance of poop. Fuck, shut up it's killing me in my headphones right now. Such a pretty special housie linkie narblot. I hope you guys have a good life, and be sure to wear lots of parkinglot jackets." -grimetime "I love Poop Burger to the EXXXXXXtreme!" -Ralph Elongated "The lyrics, along with the music, make a combination that could bang a walrus in the butt!" -Poopy Sanchez Eduardo "Holy Shitballs, I loved your poopy songs." -Bob Saget "You guys are more talented then me. Your songs made me laugh. They made me cry, cause I'm sensitve like that too. It was a journey through space, time, and cheese. Lots of cheese. The cheese was there with me the whole time. And the global warming too. That was a big part of it. All in all, your trax were delicious, like a baklava. Good job, and keep it up. w00d w00d!" -Lifehouse "Dude, your'e beating your own band on the charts. This is so unfair." -SPIE "YEA MAN...THIS TRACK [halitosis rap] IS PRETTY FUCKIN ILL!! HA, I'M FEELIN THIS SHIT MAN"-Wisdom (of XBREED)
    Additional Info
    we would like to thank the asians.
    Clifton, VA - USA

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