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    Artist description
    In a day and age when most rappers depend on their possessions to sell records, Young Silas is a breath of fresh air. Speaking without arrogance and with the gift of a natural storyteller, he weaves brilliant pictures of his life and the things he’s seen and experienced. Heavily influenced by political and introspective themes in music, he brings his own natural style, blending street with knowledge while standing apart and raising the bar to purer standards. He combines depth and intensity with flow and intelligence, creating a unique brand of hip-hop. He sparks fire in crowds of any size, hypnotizing them with word play while initiating a lyrical conquest, sure to raise the arms of even the most placid music fan. The feeling in his music is apparent and awe inspiring. He’ll take you to new heights and new depths ascending and descending at a frantic pace. Silas is more then just a talented rapper; he’s a musician and a songwriter, a producer and an engineer. Whether it’s a guitar riff or a piano part, he’s intimately involved in all aspects of his music. He writes his own hooks and songs. Additionally he engineers and arranges his own tracks. He’s on a quest for platinum, with the dedication, skill and ethic to achieve that goal. The son of an Air Force Sgt., Silas was born on Halloween night in 1976. He spent his formative years in San Antonio, before settling in East Dallas at the age of nineteen. He moved frequently as a youngster and went from school to school where he learned quickly what it meant to be the outsider and how to stand on his own two feet. He gained a reputation as a fighter and a loner, preferring his skateboard and walk-man to the school elite. He was faced with tragedy at a young age and learned many hard lessons on the way. At the age of ten, a friend from school committed suicide, followed by the incarceration of his best friend at the age of sixteen. The murder of another close friend and the murder of a three-year-old boy by his sister’s best friend only further etched pain into the eyes and life of this young man. Seeing violent abuse, poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction first hand has given Silas a sense of purpose: he hopes to give inspiration and knowledge to the youth, while leaving his mark on the world. Because while each song is deeper and more intense, he’ll tell you himself........... “I’m just getting started”
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Tupac,Biggie, Rakim, Jay Z,Red & Meth, Wu Tang, Outkast, Scarface, Nas, Talib Kwali........ it goes on but I'll stop there
    Artist History
    Born in Albuqurque NM on Halloween night 1976. Silas moved to San Antonio TX in the first grade where he lived until 1997. At which time he moved to Dallas TX where he currently lives. He's working on his first album entitled the Great Flood of Truth to be released late this year or early 2003.
    Dallas, TX - USA

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