Artist description
Synotic Rise, a progressive metal band redefining metal by incorporating classical, flamenco and other styles into their music. |
Music Style
Progressive Metal |
Musical Influences
Dream Theater, Soilwork, Opeth, Symphony X, Pantera, Stabbing Westward and some odd eclectic stuff |
Similar Artists
Dream Theater, Iron Maiden |
Artist History
Synoptic Rise is a New York City based Progressive Metal band who brings a refreshing new twist to the metal community. Their unique style in in the vein of Dream Theater mixed with Inflames and is a must hear for anyone looking for something new or any fans of prog metal.
Synoptic rise was formed when Hans Mueller and Tony Ortiz joined forces and later discovered Joseph Townsend (bass) followed by Alex Kenis (vocals) and finally Ray Sjorda (keyboards). With Hans' unique style of fusing aggressive rock with the styles of flamenco and classical music, mixing with Tony's talent, finess and passion for the drums, Joe's intensity and skill on the bass, Alex's pristine vocals mixed with his intense lyrics and Ray's lightning fast fingers, dark melodies & twisted effects; allows the music to take on new form to become something the heavy side of music has been waiting for.
Group Members
Hans Mueller, Tony Ortiz, Joseph Townsend, Alex Kenis, and Ray Sjorda |
Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums |
Visible Eclipse |
New York, NY - USA |
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