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    Artist description
    Our music is played with a lot of heart and directness.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Metallica, KoRn, Deftones...and other bands you wouldn't even think we listened to.
    Similar Artists
    one thing to keep in mind is that although some bands have influenced us, it doesn't mean we sound exactly like them. Even if we (or anyone) tried, it wouldn't work! So stop ripping off other's shit
    Artist History
    This band actually got started two summers ago when Adair starting jamming out and learning songs written by his good friend Mikey. Shortly thereafter, Adair and Mikey joined two dudes to form a complete band. After a few rehearsals Mikey had to depart due to personal reasons. Adair continued jamming with the two guys until the other guitarist decided that "the band was going no where" and the other lamb followed along passively by quitting on the same day. Considering that the other guitarist's songs were Tool and Slipknot rip offs, Adair was not dismayed by their departure. Eventually, he jammed out with his nephew, Raul O. (drums), and the music was kept alive. After writing three more tracks with the help of his great friends at Bombshelter Digital, Adair entered the studio with a new found energy. His brother, Raul, wrote lyrics to all the tracks and finished out the recording. TIME TO BURN, WATCH US BURN!
    Group Members
    Vocals: Raul, Guitar: Adair, Drums: Raul O.
    We use the instruments we have because: they were either cheap, someone gave them to us, we found them, we stole them, or someone let us borrow them and we never returned them.
    Press Reviews
    "There's a lot of screaming and I don't understand it"--My Mom.
    Additional Info
    email us:
    Los Angeles, CA - USA

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