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    Artist description
    we play very fast and noisy grind/hardcore.
    Music Style
    Similar Artists
    old napalm death, cryptic slaughter, charles bronson, spazz
    Artist History
    we have been ruining the fun for everyone since 1997. since then we have released a bunch of 7" records, a cd, some tapes and thrown a few hits onto some comps. as of now we are on a "hiatus" but you can check out shit on our site at thats all for now later
    Group Members
    current lineup is: dave-guitar, werdz erik-bass, werdz craig-werdz ryan-drums, werdz
    6 stringer, 4 stringer, pots and pans, throat and other crap
    lots of crap
    Press Reviews
    Drunken Orgy of Destruction/Recension split 7" (2001) reviewed in short fast and loud spring 2001 issue dood are from new york and specialize in short, speedy delivery of blistercore anthems. nine furious blasts with multiple vocal approaches (don't worry, they're basically different pitches of screaming your head off). there are several between song samples and the lyrics are both vague, strange and oddly funny which leads me to an obvious SPAZZ comparison. speaking of samples, ontarios recension uses them between their songs as fact, they use them so often they're practically in need of what jeb would call a "samplectomy". that aside this trio barrels full speed ahead through 10 well done tracks of whirlwind thrashcore. the lyrics are very wry and pissed off in just the right way, not to mention they contain one of the better song titles in recent memory, "fuck you, you pitboss 2000 t-shirt wearing motherfucker." haha! graphics courtesy of the COMBAT WOUNDED VETERAN school of design. great stuff and all around from two newer outfits worthy of your attention. (CD) drunken orgy of destruction/recension split 7" (2001) reviewed in maximum rock n roll april 2001 damn. between this and the skrupel lp that i reviewed-i got some amazing shit this time around. both bands hail from windsor, ontario (actually we are from buffalo ny but oh well)-and there is almost enough reason to catch a show there. spastic, fast and snotty-it's such a great formula. play lots of songs, don't give a shit if they end cleanly, and above all, execute. toss in some saples if you've got good (funny) ones (they did). if this stuff is well played (it is here)-it's still the best hardcore around. quick, relentless and unapoligetic. songs about suits, work, hardcore...this is some timeless stuff. (TM)
    East Amherst, New York - USA

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