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Mo' Betta

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    Artist description
    Mo' Betta Blues plays high energy music with many variations on cover tunes. Playing everything from Dylan to the Rolling Stones to Peter Tosh and a great deal of standard blues.Also having original songs to choose from gives the band appeal on many levels and allows for diversity in the music.
    Music Style
    blues, blues rock
    Musical Influences
    Bob Dylan, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Albert Collins,Carlos Santana,Todd Park Mohr
    Similar Artists
    listen and you decide
    Artist History
    The band was formed when two friends decided that playing once a week at the local blues jam was not enough. We found another place to play and organized a band. The band has gone through some personnel changes, but the founding members and the bands' commitment to playing kick-ass music and having fun has not changed. MBB has been together for over 3 years. October 99 saw some big changes for the band. Morgan Morgan, an original founding member, followed his heart to northern California. Jeff Delavergne also decided to leave the band. Jeff had replaced Mike D'onofrio, who was the drummer and percussionist extraordinaire for the band during much of the "gelling" period. Veteran drummer Cody Norman will be playing with MBB in early 2000. Cody also appears on the majority of "originallylive". beginning in early feburary,mo betta blues sought the skills of a new drummer.after a meeting between dmitri and tommy cook,the search seemed to be over. After a very short time it was evident that the search was over. coming up on the year 2001 that remained to be true. The band now has nearly twenty original songs, and plays weekly. The summer of 2001 brought still more personnel changes. A new face, Chuck Shennan, joined the fold on drums. new material is constantly being worked up along with more originals
    Group Members
    Dmitri Kimbrell-rythym and lead guitar, vocals, lyrics. Johny Jones-tenor sax, alto sax, soprano sax, flute, percussion. Pat Wendt-bass guitar and general hilarity. Tommy Cook-drums and loss prevention
    guitar, sax, bass, drums, percussion
    Mo' Betta Live, originallylive
    Anchorage, Alaska - USA

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