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    Artist description
    "Music was my first love and it will be my last"... I love making music, composing songs and produce or perform them. Thatīs all. Itīs part of myself and kind of the exhibition of my philosophy. I like good music wherever it was was made and whoever the musicians may be (amateurs /professionals). Iīm addicted to melodies, rhythms, sounds or the spirit of a song. I play several instruments. Most of them just as far I need them. I never took lessons and I never will. The music comes out of my soul and this is the way I want to go on. I like Fish, Jon Lord and Phil Collins because they represent the tribe of musicians I respect. Doing their thing, not to proud using first-takes if they carry the spirit of a song or on the other hand modelling out what is hidden. Like my good old friend Klaus-Peter Snoopy Maus. He once showed me the way to Rock music. God bless you, Klaus ! I also like good voices: Coverdale, Bolton, Jule Neigel, Oleta Adams, Anastacia - all part of the respected tribe. I donīt think my music is really new or evolutional, but I also think I donīt have to hide it, just because there are so many good professionals out there. They do their thing and I do mine.
    Music Style
    Pop, Rock, Instrumental, Jazz
    Musical Influences
    Every kind of music touches my soul
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    Artist History
    Born in 1967 I started with music at the age of 3 and improved with the instruments I learned to play. Several gigs, bands (Die Hydranten, Slush, Octopuss, Pegasus, Deep Throat, Mr. Gorski) and always the love I had for any kind of music. Open minded. Recording started with a 2-channel Taperecorder led to a 4-channel FOSTEX and ended (by now) in a 16-channel VS 1680 in combination with an Apple G4/Cubase VST home-studio. Keyboards, guitar, bass and drums/samples and a hell of a lot sound-enhancing stuff. Not for the praise to have them but to use them when needed. Ok, just one word: my favourite instrument is the bass guitar, but I respect all other kind of instruments as well !
    Bass guitar, Guitars, Keyboards, Drummachines, Sampler, Voice, Harmonica, Flute, Clarinet, Piano
    No Albums just periods.
    Frankfurt am Main, Hessen - Germany

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