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the 2 Chompsters

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    Artist description
    Tony Danza! the 2 Chompsters Experience band can't be described in words, only in feelings. The feeling you get when you struggle with a difficult math problem, then you finally break through and are overcome with sheer exhiliration. Its like having an epiphony in the middle of march while standing in the rain, looking towards the sky, envisioning some freaky stylies. We create music that captures the essence of what 2 Chompsters is to us. See, we are not 2 Chompsters, but we are his friends. 2 Chompsters, well.....
    Music Style
    A sick combination of inspirational storytelling and viscious telekenesis.
    Musical Influences
    Tony Danza, love, destruction, hot fudge sundays, and snakes.
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    Artist History
    He was created in a scientific lab by accident when scientists were experimenting with some of the most amazing dna known to man...the dna of Tony Danza. Suddenly there was an earthquake, and the Danza dna collided with viscious viper snake dna. During th e quake, radioactive plutonium caused the dna to mutate, grow, and metamorph into a gargantuan 2 headed snake, with one head a Danza clone, the other, a deadly viper. His size is unmeasurable by our methods. All that is known is that he is bigger than a worm and smaller than a state. Once he mutated, he escaped the lab, and grew up off the coast of madagascar, waiting and training for the days when he would return and unleash his havok on his prey. And everyone is his prey...
    Group Members
    sean (meat hickey), john (peeping tom skerfus), and tim (Timmy sicks).
    guitar, dr. rhythm, mc-303, mics, Br-8, mixman studios, bass guitar, answering machine, drums,cymbol, plastic block, egg shaker, pieces of metal.
    Junkyard Christmas
    Press Reviews
    "the 2 Chompsters Experience is quite possibly the most refreshing, original work of sheer beauty in existence today. I love it whole-heartedly." ~ Ralph Machio. "Danza look-alike, mean ass viper by his side, outta control snake and he's down to ride." ~ Ice-T
    Grand Rapids, MI - USA

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