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    Artist description
    Welcome to my page , i am a Rock guitarist from England. All my music is written/recorded and performed by myself at my home studio(bedroom). Hope you find some tunes you like as there is a mixture of styles. Please email me your it's good to hear from other musicians.(please check out my new band Ki~mera) All the best Rob
    Music Style
    steve vai/paul gilbert/Joe satriani/ritchie kotzen/korn/limpbizkit
    Musical Influences
    steve vai/paul gilbert/joe satriani/limpbizkit
    Similar Artists
    steve vai/ limpbizkit/korn/joe satrian/puddle mudd/paul gilbert
    Artist History
    My dad started me playing guitar at 16years old, as Eric Clapton started at that age. And i have been playing ever since! I play all the instruments on my music and sing as well(don't laugh)..i have compiled a CD "Evolution" which features tracks from 1999-2001. I am currently writting music for my new ,i am working on my new album, which will be a very steve vai meets joe satriani style instrumental with other musicians making guest appearances!....believe me , it will BLOW you away , when it's finished...
    2 x Ibanez Electric guitars/ 5 and 4 string bass/ drum machine/avt150 /rp7
    Evolution...........15tracks of rock guitar
    Press Reviews
    While Robert Neary's guitar playing has a distinct Satriani/Vai style influence, the fact that he is a gifted composer writing true instrumental, guitar-rock-anthems with memorable-melodies and catchy riffs shines through. This (Cruise Control, Star Screamer) is the kind of music you want on your car stereo on those sunny summer days when you driving with top down or sun roof open. On the track Robert does with vocals a clear 80's rock influence is present, and the songs have a film soundtrack type of upbeatness something you could imagine hearing on classic 80's movies such as Top Gun easily. The guitar riff on Your Always On My Mind had an almost Berlin / new wave style influence- combined with Robert's modern alternative style vocals. This is a talent to keep watchig for more good music... ~Kat W. Deep Blue Wonders Music Publishing ASCAP A review from Star polish music site on 16september "This is very straight forward heavy rock from gifted rock/metal guitarist Robert Croydon, who's based in Surrey, UK. Robert is an amazingly talented player, influenced by Steve Vai and Joe Satriani, but he brings modern sensibilities to his playing. I really love the song "I'm a Machine," which emulates classic, melodic heavy metal (Dio, Black Sabbath) incorporating extremely subtle and well placed elements of newer bands like Korn and Tool. "You're Always On My Mind" demonstrates how lyrical his playing can be but still maintains a hard edge. Robert is handling all of the instrumental tracks and vocals himself, so maybe my suggestion here would be to put some high end modulation on the vocals and everything would be totally killer. "Can You Feel It" is a bit of a departure in that he uses some sampled dialogue for a kind of urban/metal blend. Nice work on the hi-hat too. If radio ever starts playing song-based guitar rock again, these songs could all be hits. Robert Neary is a refreshing discovery on Starpolish." A Professional review received 16september from " unsigned music review" "A head bangers delight" The bridge section used to open this track suggests that this dose of metal will indeed be heavy. It pretty much delivers too. Good melody and rhythm flow through the song and are neatly topped with a pretty decent vocal. The vocal melody does get a little repetitive after a while though. As for niggles... the timing on most of the bridge sections is a bit loose, there's a little loss of clarity in the mix especially during choruses (this is typical of distortion-guitar-heavy tracks as everything is using so much of the audio spectrum) and you need a 'dirtier' drum sound with compression. Add a little reverb to the vocal as it's unnaturally dry and try using a graphic or parametric EQ to cut some frequencies from competing guitar parts.
    Additional Info
    Please check out our band called Ki-mera...laters rob
    LONDON, SURREY - United Kingdom

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