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Jono And The

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    Artist description
    Actors Jonathan and Richard Lee Jackson are releasing their debut rock album under the name Jono and the Rock (their nicknames). The album is entitled "Glory Come Undone" and will have the album's kick off concert at The Whisky on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood California this Friday, April 26 at 8:30pm, the date also serving as the official release for the album. Currently, Jono and the Rock's album "Glory Come Undone" is availiable in several locations via the internet:,,, as well as the Jackson Brothers official website, The brother's film and television credits are wide and varied. Jonathan's most notable roles include playing Michelle Pfiffer's son in "The Deep End of the Ocean", winning three Emmy's for his role as Lucky Spencer on the Daytime Soap Opera "General Hospital", and his soon to be released two films; "Insomnia" with Al Pacino, and the lead role in the Disney feature film "Tuck Everlasting". Richard is most known for his role as Ryan Parker on the hit show "Saved by the Bell: the New Class" and guest starring opposite Calista Flockhart in the 2nd season premier of "Ally McBeal". Richard has a supporting role opposite Jim Caviezel in the upcoming feature film "Madison", which will be in theaters in August. "We are excited about this record, and our fans have really been supportive about expanding our creative energy into music. It's fun for us, and it really has the potential to touch a lot of people," the jackson brothers said. "If there is anything the world needs right now, it's that the air waves can be filled with as much hope as possible. That's why we love to play. To let people know that their is still hope." Jono and the Rock's debut rock album, glory come undone is a joy-filled record that deals with love, hope, and the need to cry out when we have lost control. With the inspiration of such bands as U2 and Delirious?, Jono and the Rock has produced an album that lifts its hands high in their quest to find Life and Light. Highlight tracks include This Day, Suddenly Naked and Freedom Song.
    Music Style
    Contemporary Rock
    Group Members
    Jonathan Jackson, Richard Lee Jackson, Rick Jackson, Dan Sweat, Amber Sweeney
    Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums
    Glory Come Undone, Clash, God Candy, Hope (live), This I Know, Deep End Of The Ocean
    Additional Info
    Battle Ground, WA - USA

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