Aaron Scholz and The Have-Nots Artist Info Home
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Aaron Scholz and The

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    Artist description
    um....Beachwood Sparks meets Jack Logan meets Jay Farrar meets Tom Petty?
    Music Style
    Country-Folk, Folk-Pop, Folk, Rock
    Musical Influences
    The Jayhawks, The Kinks, The Beatles, The Who, The Byrds,
    Similar Artists
    The Jayhawks or any modern trad country with pop leanings and harmonies
    Artist History
    Aaron Scholz wasted no time establishing himself among the best of the lo-fi singer/songwriters of the early 21st century. Having spent his childhood in Cedar Falls, IA, with access to his father's eclectic collection of jazz, British rock, and American folk, Scholz would go on to incorporate the influence of Pete Townshend, Ray Davies, and Jack Logan into his unique blend of country, pop, and folk. Starting guitar and choir around the age of 13, Scholz would discover he had a good musical ear and equally good voice, though he lost track of any musical ambitions when he entered college. A reluctant performer, Scholz would eventually be coaxed into open mic performances and would soon turn jam sessions with friends into a year-and-a-half stint with the power pop Ultramaroons. After a recording session with his bandmates fell apart, Scholz took the opportunity to record his own compositions. As he was providing all the instrumentation, he still lacked experience on the drums and decided to learn on the job with his friends in Boba Fettish. Finally, in a culmination of his talents, Perfect Child was released on Valentine's Day 2000. The remainder of 2000 was spent assembling a touring band and recording his sophomore release while occasionally performing live in Madison, WI. Scholz and his band The Have Nots opened for many regional acts in 2000 and 2001, including ClemSnide, Barbara Manning and Richard Buckner. Most of 2001 was spent putting together the new record Perfect Child, a song cycle detailing the inner and outer struggles in a modern world. The band is hitting the road at the end of the summer and are already fleshing out their sound and working on the next record.
    Group Members
    Aaron Scholz—vox, guitars Peter Fatka—pedal steel, guitar, bass Dave Zero—guitar Eric Salisbury—drums, percussion
    Come Back Down (2002) on Meowza Music and Perfect Child (2000) on Speakeasy Records
    Press Reviews
    Additional Info
    contact me anytime about the music:
    Madison, Wisconsin - USA

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