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    Artist description
    This Side Up is a trio of punk rockers from suburbia on the outskirts of Southwest Philly. Following a time-tested recipe, TSU takes a handful of social commentary, stirs in political punk songs, and then bastes the whole thing in four chord songs. The band tries to get alternative ideas and important messages out through their lyrics.
    Music Style
    Artist History
    This Side Up started out as a variety of transition bands, back in the 9th grade. Matt and Some Other Kid had been writing songs and jamming since a year before, but kicking coffee cans for drums weren't cutting it anymore. Luckily, Dan, our local musical renaissance man, had recently gotten a drum set and in a week or so, he was ready to do more than just play alone in his basement. Matt and Dan had been in what you could call a band many moons ago, so it they both thought it'd be cool to do that again except make some music this time. Carmen had been hanging out with Matt and Some Other Kid around that time, and seeing that he was the only other person they knew who listened to the same bands, it seemed only natural that Carmen be recruited. A knock on the window and a phone call later, Carm was officially in the band. Jamming together for a few months, Dan phased out, and a horde of useless temporary drummers came in. None of them worked, but luckily Dan was keen to phase back in. That was the time when it started getting serious, and there was an urgent need to cut the fat. Around this time, Some Other Kid hadn't been coming to practice very often, and Matt, Carm, and Dan realized that the lack of Some Other Kid was causing them sound better. So the next time he called to say something about the band, Matt just told him, "I don't see why you're so concerned, because you're not even IN the band anymore." Officially free of this dead weight, Carmen and Matt decided against finding another singer, instead just singing while playing guitars. And then there were three. What came after was something new, rising out of the ashes of a dead band. The only thing appropriate to do was to get a new band name. Looking on Matt's trusty chucks, the immortal words "This side up" were scrawled. The rest is history.
    Group Members
    Carmen - Guitar/Vocals Matt- Bass/Vocals Dan- Drums/Backing Vocals
    Philladelphia, Pa - USA

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