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Runs Like A

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    Artist description
    Some people say Runs Like A Girl is like Van Morrison meets Jim Morrison, early Talking Heads, even a little blue-eyed soul...
    Musical Influences
    Dave Matthews, Steely Dan, Doobie Brothers...
    Similar Artists
    Walter Becker, Demetri Callas,Talking Heads, Crack The Sky
    Artist History
    Runs Like A Girl began life as a 4-piece polka band - tuba, accordian, guitar, and drums; a combustible blend led by a Maryland rebel named Cuervo Montoya. Before long, Montoya and the boys from Hagerstown soon outgrew their VFW-hall roots and successfully crossed over with some of the hardest rocking beer-barrel anthems ever. They were the perfect party band- soulful, street credible and borderline insane. They took the world by storm. But it wasn't all glamour and girls. Parties led to dangerous excess and the constant screaming of fans began to take its toll. In the end the bad boys of polka were dogged by the pressure of hits and tours and changing times would bring them to the brink of destruction. Signaling the beginning of the end, Montoya split off to try to recapture the high-octane sound of his early polka band. But it's a thin line between devotion and obsession, and to survive he was forced to play his squeeze box for exotic dancers in the dimly lit strip clubs of Baltimore's piss-stained red light district. Night after night, the merchant marines would lay their money down to watch the girls gyrate to Cuervo's funky tunes. He carefully reconstructed the raw-edged eccentric sound of the once famous polka band, playing and recording each of the instruments until the difference between past and present was imperceptible. Listen and remember to the hits that made this soap-opera supergroup famous and once charted the tragic fall and unlikely rise of a band that pushed it too far.
    Group Members
    Cuervo Montoya
    Press Reviews
    SWIRL GIRL "Nice hook, instrumentation is well done. Vocals are strong and easy to listen to. Good lyrics in the chorus." - "It's kinda like Van Morrison meets Jim Morrison. Very cool!!! Loved the Hammond organ sound. Cons: No cons. I loved it" - "Cool! Different. Nice groove" - "I like this guy's voice, and the song is relaxing." GAMBAS "...well done. Love the layers involved in the tune. Reminds me of early Talking Heads, very cool. Vocals sound good too" - "...the production was excellent in all respects, very, very professional, creative, all that... groovy track. Enjoyed the sounds..." - "Nice groove. Good vocal phrasing. Very original sound." - "Style seems to be unique..." - "Tight but different." - "Very cool beat and originality ." - "Nice groove." LIFE CHANGE "Adore the sound and the style..." - "I like the organ work. There are some good lyrics there too. " - "Very hooky in intro; wanted to listen to more. Like the vocalist. Santana meets MIDI. Great groove."
    Washington, DC - USA

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