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    Artist description
    thanks to the infinite wisdom of our fellow space travellers, and closest relatives, we have the almighty task of taking over the earth with our cosmic sounds of pure orgasmic pleasure. now, without your help, our mission will ultimately fail. you know why people? because we bask in the ever-glowing light of your love, as well as your moms' love. we would appreciate any gestures of affection you wish to bestow upon us in order to encourage our musical journey. we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and want you to know that we are appreciative of this opportunity to flaunt our manly flanks in this rythmic fasion.
    Music Style
    rock/hip-hop/funk/punk/r&b/techno fusion
    Musical Influences
    kool keith,RZA,trans am,barry white,beastie boys,wes montgomery,alcoholic zebras,ween,black flag,jeff buckley,sonic youth,cocteau twins, the shining path,the jesus lizard,david lee roth!
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    while matt adore was travelling through the farthest reaches of uranus by horse and carriage, he was drawn towards a light of unknown origin that beared the name "octozulualphabetafadermatch" and he thought to himself; "that's weird!" upon closer inspection he found capt. andy and dj bullfrog not only combinated at the hip, but also on a frantic search for small varmints to skewer. after a round of "tactical fecal maneuvering" they began to rock the mic in a fashion that has yet to be duplicated.
    Group Members
    CAPT. ANDY- yodels, thumps the four-string fiddle, tickles the ivory and loves his little honey-bubble. DJ BULLFROG- raps, breaks switches, rocks the beats, and is currently being administered random tests (demolition, elasticity, etc.) on his over-sized rectal region. MATT ADORE - plays the six string thing and trombone, emits general hatred and sounds like ice cube on a good day
    bullhorn, rubber gloves, boom bass,
    foolish mortal e.p.
    Press Reviews
    lots of them
    lake orion, mi - USA

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