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    Artist description
    Solemn Fist is a young three-piece punk band from Richmond, BC Canada.
    Music Style
    Energetic punk with a powerful political message.
    Musical Influences
    NoFX, Bad Religion, Jello Biafra, DOA, Rancid
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    Artist History
    In the latter part of the year 2000, when cyborgs had conquered 96% of the earth's landmass, we decided to start a band, or something like that. Anyways, so we got together for the first time at our drummer's house at the beginning of the school term. It was maybe 2 minutes before his mom came running into the garage yelling at us to turn it down. It was time for us to relocate. So we made Dave's place the official headquarters of the band. Naturally, the neighbours weren't impressed, and we were limited to rehearsing until 6pm. After a few people coming and going we finally settled as a heterosexual threesome with John on Bass/Guitar/Vocals, Dave on the same shit, and Doug attempting to keep some sort of rhythmic background. At this time we were under the name Burn-Out, please refrain from asking why. We played our first show at Thompson Community Centre sometime in the first quarter of 2001. It was a feeble attempt at making noise, if that. To put it bluntly, we sucked ass, but we had fun. With the money we made from that show we decided to see if we could try and record something. So we wired a bunch of stuff together in Dave's brother's room, and put together 5 songs, the all time worst demo to ever crash and burn on this planet. Since then our musical tastes have evolved, and lets never speak of the first demo again. In the meantime, we played a few more shows as we grew together as a band and as friends, making more and more contacts as we went along. The next significant event in our history would be the temporary addition of a fourth player. He was our bestest buddy Mike. He was about yei tall and yei wide. He's a great kid, and a totally insane bass player. We rocked when Mike was in the band, but it didn't last long, due to parental difficulties. His parents think punk will warp your fragile little mind into narcotics, fascism and apathy. So they decided to entirely remove him from us, we can't even phone him without being monitored or vaporized. He'll be back one day... we hope. We then looked for professional help, and found our loyal companions Brian and Jan. Jan being our school band teacher, and Brian, her life-long male partner, the former bassist of Vancouver-based punk band, DOA. We played again at Thompson, and we seem to think we actually didn't suck, gaining respect of other local bands... we hope.
    Group Members
    Dave - Guitar/Bass/Vocals John - Guitar/Bass/Vocals Doug - Drums
    Guitar, Bass, Drums, Russian Accordion
    Richmond, British Columbia - Canada

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