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    Artist description
    Red Means Go is a rock n' roll band from Las Vegas, NV with a crunchy yet melodic sound.
    Music Style
    Pop alternative hard rock
    Musical Influences
    The Beatles, KISS, Van Halen, Green Day, Queens of the Stone Age, the Living End, Jellyfish
    Similar Artists
    Foo Fighers, Weezer, Green Day, The Vines
    Group Members
    CG - Vocals/Guitar; MK - Vocals/Bass; Charles - Lead Guitar; Jordan - Drums/Percussion
    Press Reviews
    "While most of Las Vegas' homegrown music leans towards mullet-metal and perpetually producing the Next Big Thing, local band Red Means Go almost stands alone in their unabashedly saccharine sound. "The band's debut, simply titled Album 1, sounds remarkably accomplished for a band that hasn't even seen their first year as a unit yet. The songs are concise and focused but with plenty of sly ideas to keep the listener interested. "Stuck on You" rides a shotgun riff with punk-tinged vocals that are like mainlining Pixie sticks. The instantly hummable "Do Re Fa So" sounds like a lost Beatles single pushed through a Marshall, with wonderfully Fab-esque harmonies and lyrics that get to the point without dicking around. "Beside Myself" mines a more arena-rock sound courtesy of a raunchy blues riff and Gainsford's powerful wail. "Just to make sure that the audience understands that this is a pop-rock band in the truest sense, the focus is squarely on the songs and not on instrumental wankery. The playing is top-notch, but not at the expense of the melody and backing it up to make it shine that much better. However, the record only conveys a slice of Red Means Go's power, something which must be seen live to truly be appreciated." - Aaron Archer (City Life, Las Vegas)
    Las Vegas, NV - USA

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