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    Artist description
    Catchy stuff mostly done on my four track. Guitar, bass, saw, fourimen, synth, drum machines. Sometimes I sing not-autobiographical indie rock songs, sometimes I rap about theoretical physics. Makes you wanna say Word! This project has always been really just for doc, but since some folks (I'm not saying all) seem to dig on it, I tried to make it more accessible to them.
    Musical Influences
    brainiac, sebadoh, anticon stuff, pavement
    Artist History
    Doctor Popular is a professional yo-yoer and part time muse enthusiast. Doc has been recording and performing under the moniker since 1999 way back in Nashville, then Chattanooga, then Virginia for a couple months before... Well, he lives in Minneapolis now (midwest Represent!). The label "Better Sleep Through Science" is really just a figment of doc's imagination, but it is the name of his production company. So far doc has put out only one cd, performed nationally, helped form the college for the easily amused (, produced and starred in an educational video called Unboring Science Volume I; Energy (manufactured by Yoyojam, produced by BSTS and Mark McBride) and placed 3rd at the world yo-yo contest. Whitey on the Moon only has one album out currently, its called "Drown Radio Therapy" and is availlable for ten bucks through email. Doc's been performing since he was 16 but back then he was using has less catchy stage name Brian Roberts. This would be a great time to tell the God Damn Midget story: So, when the drummer of my band NoVa decided to quite the day of our biggest show, without even telling any of the band that he wasnt going to show up, I decided to start gigging with drum machines. So my buddy Matt Strickland and myself started a new wave electro punk rock group called God Damn Midget. The band was super fun, and our popularity grew relatively soon (probably because of the monstrous God Damn Midget posters we would post or the WWGDMD bracelets we sold after the shows). Anywho, onto the cool part, so Matt and I are on the radio, but we aren't allowed to say god damn on air, so I always say Bleep Damn Midget, and Matt says God Bleep Midget, usually we say our lines in unison. Any who, here it is, the most punk rock moment of my entire life and a moment of pure improvisation that still brings a tear to my eye. The host of this radio show, leslie, during the course of her not very well researched interview asks "That's kind of a strange name, aren't you afraid that your posters will get ripped down" and I said (without missing a fucking beat) "Not really, we just post them up a little higher." Damn... The room got quite. Cut to to comerciall and we all laugh our asses off. Word. So the band kept rocking it, eventually finding gigs fairly regularly at Victor/Victorias, where angry folks would call and say "if you let God Damn Midget play tonight, I'm never stepping foot into your establishment", and the bar tender would say "Uh... you do know this is a drag bar, right?" sniff sniff* "Just post them a little higher"*wipe tear from eye. Beautifull stuff man.
    Group Members
    Whitey, The Moon, The Duncan Freehand. Okay, its really just doc.
    fourimen, synth, guitar, drum machines, beat boxing, yo-yo, pots, pans, samples, my playstation, a door, saw, and a slinky
    Drown Radio Therapy (BSTS 2000)
    minneapolis, mn - USA

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