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    Artist description
    Pulverizing metal filled with disgust and blasphemy.
    Music Style
    Disgusted Metal
    Musical Influences
    Acid Bath, Eyehategod, Dillinger Escape Plan, Darkest Hour, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Goatwhore
    Similar Artists
    Acid Bath, Carcass, Heaven Shall Burn, Year Of Our Lord, Sunrise, Deicide and Diecast
    Group Members
    Adam Coffman - Vocals Kevin Early - Bass Shawn Rider - Guitar Wil Owens - Guitar Art Eckerson - Drums
    Bass, Guitar, Drums and Vocals.
    Tragedy Essential (2003) & Demo Two Thousand Two
    Press Reviews
    "Oh yeah...this is just what I needed today...intense and mean music...the stuff they deliver is just huge and without any mercy." - JS Daredevil Online Magazine "They sure as shit do know how to shred not just vocal cords but guitar chords too. Drums are on the heavy side, not horribly complex but they do their job of pounding and making you want to punch the kid in the face next to you." - J-Sin Smother.Net "Maybe it’s just because I’m from here, but damn, Virginia and D.C. sure have been churning out plenty of quality Metal recently! And, since our hometown heroes, Darkest Hour, are getting ready to record full-length #4 in Sweden with rumors of help from the almighty Tomas Lindberg, our ‘scene’ feels unstoppable. So, bring on the high quality area Metal! And with it, bring on Kilfast. This caustic Metalcore outfit from Warrenton have a five-song demo full of anger and violence that lands them toward the top of the NOVA heap." - Jeremy Smother.Net "'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... Dying time is here.' So begins a sample that leads into Kilfast's opening track 'Temptation of Fate'. Their chosen moniker is definitely indicative to their apparent disdain for subtlety. The band play a mix of death metal and heavy groove metalcore with lyrics ranging from seething hatred of religion to seething hatred of individuals. Definitely good for banging the ol' head, and probably even better for shoving around like-minded others in a live setting. The music is a good balance, taking the low palm-muted ways of bands of hardcore-inspired music, the fury of old-school American death, and the tenacity of thrash metal, and forging the elements into something violent, nasty, and somehow rather catchy. The highlight of this CD is probably 'Helpless in Heaven', which follows a total musical curveball in the form of a beautiful piano-based instrumental. The contrast is amazing, and the band should be commended for such a feat. These two tracks alone are worth the price of admission. If you're looking for a band that has a range touching both Deicide and Diecast, or just some kick-ass groove-ridden heavy heavy metal, then Kilfast is for you." - Adrian Magers Chronicles Of
    Warrenton, Virginia - USA

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