Artist description
A couple of guys from San Dimas got together to make an attempt at proving that all young musicians DON'T sound like KORN or LIMP PARK, or LINKIN BIZKIT |
Music Style
Funky, Jazzy, Cartoon Music |
Musical Influences
Herbie Hancock, Primus, Dave WEckle Band, Medeski Martin and Wood, Victor Wooten, Bela Fleck |
Similar Artists
Primus, Victor Wooten, any theme song from any cartoon |
Artist History
Dusty Jann has been playing for over 8 years. He self taught drummer who looks up to the greatest drummers insted of the most popular. Mike Tsouris has been playing Bass for 6 years. He is also self taught and looks up to Victor Wooten, Les Claypool and Nathan East. |
Group Members
Mike Tsouris- Bass/ Melodies/ Programing/ Keyboard
Dusty Jann- Drums/ Percussion/ anything rythmic |
Bass, Drums, Keyboard, FruityLoops sampling software |
Press Reviews
Swyss Chieze is better than us!! -Blink 182
They think they are good, but where is all the spiked hair and baggy pants?! -Linkin-Bizkit-Roach |
Additional Info
Dusty is single.......ooooh.....aaah |
San Dimas, CA - USA |
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