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    Artist description
    WHO IS OMEGA ? ? Omega has been rapping since junior high. Ever since he heard his first rap record he has been addiced. In high school he pushed his homemade albums to classmates in the hall, but when omega graduated to college he realized he was desined for much more. He teamed up with Mello and Allen to create Perfect Execution Entertainment. Immedeatly the team went to work on Omegas first Solo LP "The End". With help from Apollo's Sun and Dj Jaah the record was put together and put on wax.
    Music Style
    Hip - Hop
    Musical Influences
    Big L, Cannibus, Rakim, Eminem, and Killah Priest
    Artist History
    The End Track Lising 1. intro 2. the earth is mine 3. hate 4. two in a million 5. time to rise 6. too late 7. verbal gymnastics 8. a matter of time 9. redemption 10. leave it at that 11. the end is near 12. circle of death 13. thats just how it is 14. the end
    Group Members
    WHAT IS PERFECT EXECUTION ENTERTAINMENT ? ? ? Perfect X is a York, pa based music and video label that specializes in hip-hop music and independent film/video production. The Label was established by three aspiring moguls....Jp "omega" Allton, Mello Wagaman, and Allen Vagnozzi. They have just released there first full length album... Omega's The End. This record is launch pad of all future PX projects and if this is an indication of the future, things look bright indeed.
    The End
    Additional Info
    York, Pa - USA

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