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    Artist description
    We are a three piece Punk band from Miami who are obsessed with old women and oversized underwear.
    Music Style
    Punk, Ska, Punk Rock
    Musical Influences
    Green Day, The Flaming Lips, Metallica, Super Furry Animals, NOFX, the Lawrence Arms, pinhead gunpowder, etc.
    Similar Artists
    any punk band
    Artist History
    It all started way back in freshman year (1 year ago) when I met a young lad named Ricky. I was being my usual antisocial self at the freshman retreat and he aproached me and asked what school I previously attended. We got to talking and he brought it to my attention that he was learning how to play drums. I had been playing guitar for two years at the time and always wanted to be in a band. Later in the year we met yet another young lad named Anthony Hazelwood. He was a fellow guitarist like myself. Ricky and I somehow convinced him to buy a bass and thus, the first line up of The Con came to be. However we were not The Con. We have gone through at least three (bad) band names including "Clorey"...We played one school talent show armed with only one crappy original song and a Green Day cover. That was this year. Anthony went on later in the year to be in a band called Mindfed but said he would still be able to keep his band with us. Somehow we knew that was not possible. Anthony began to be less and less interested and was not admitting to us that he wanted out. So we did the only sensable thing we could do. We kicked his ass out and got a freshman named Richard to play bass for us. We later knighted him "Dick" and he has been with us ever since. The name THE CON originates from a convenience store that we go to at practice. Every time we had practice we would go to a convenience store that Ricky called THE CON. Going to the con became somewhat of a tradition so one day Ricky's cousin suggested that we name the band "THE CON" did. And thats it.
    Group Members
    A.J.: Geetarz and singing/RICKY: drummer boy/DICKHEAD: bass
    cheap ones (geetar, base, and drumz)
    Additional Info
    Miami, Florida - USA

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