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    Artist description
    Futyle is a 6 piece funk/rock/hip hop group whose "custom blend" of many different genres of music, creates their sticky but original songs. Futyle's sound is created from the many influences of each band member, from east coast to west coast hip hop, classic to new rock, funk to soul. Futyle came together in late 2001 when Aaron (Junki) met Steve (Rhody) and started laying down concept songs. Immediately, they experienced a new synergistic level of creativity and clearly, it was something special. Next, they recruited top notch musicians for the group. Joe (drums) and Yayo (bass) instantly clicked when they were trying out for the band. They laid the ground work for the powerful rhythyms that Futyle provides, and when Greenman (guitar) came into the picture with his Tom Morrello/Steve Vai sound, it almost seemed like fate. The force was building and the magic continued with each new song. Inevitably, (in only a matter of months), Futyle was on stage. Futyle's live shows reflect the passion and creativity of the band. They can pump you up and smooth you out all at once. The organic, diverse style sounds like a product developed in a "Music Think Tank." It accomplishes the objective of "something for everybody." While the new sound hardly threatens domestic security, they do pose a threat to other groups as they've raised the bar of audience expectations for live bands. The secret to Futyle's custom blend is that it comes together naturally with the band. They play what they like... and like what they play.
    Music Style
    Hip hop, rock
    Musical Influences
    our influences vary widely
    Similar Artists
    311, the red hot chili peppers, rage against the machine, sublime
    Artist History
    we formed in late 2001
    Group Members
    Junki - Vocals, Rhody - Vocals, yayo - Bass, galacticjoe - Drums, Greenman - Guitars Dj harry P - The tables
    Resistance Is...
    San Diego, Ca - USA

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