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    Artist description
    all 21-22, from (Santee) San Diego California, Temecula California, and Long Island Ny
    Music Style
    Hard rock /alternative/ Rock / pop rock/ metal/ rap rock
    Musical Influences
    Gun's N Roses, Sum41, Billy Idol, Orgy, Lit, Motley Crue, Methods of Mayhem, ICP, Coal Chamber, 80's Rock, Union Underground, Marilyn Manson, Aerosmith, Deadsy, skynyrd, Beatles, etc....
    Similar Artists
    Sum41, Lit, Orgy, Linkin Park, etc...
    Artist History
    The Band was started by guitarist Zander Starr from Long Island NY, who placed ads in popular rock and music magazines all across the country for auditions. through hundreds of ads and thousands of auditions, Zander's decision came down to chosing Tyler Lee from Temecula California as the vocalist. Zander came across country on a greyhound bus at the age of 20 with no money from Ny to Cali. Zander met up with Tyler in December 2000, and they recorded together from Dec 2000 to April 2001. Tyler and Zander played all the instruments on the album, except for "Excuses" and "Tied" feature Drummer Danny De Vil on V-Tech Drums. The Band was offered a deal from a branch of Capitol Records and they turned it down. The particular Record Executive from the company became a stalker of the band, in frustration that they said no. The band felt they were taking them for "kids who'd sign a cheap deal", and Zander's reaction was that "if we signed our lifes away to this label for this cheap deal, another deal could come along and we wouldn't be able to sign-on with them, if we were already owned." Tyler's buddies Danny and Joey were chosen to play drums and 2nd guitar, being that they had been in all types of groups with Tyler. They also grew up with Tyler. Zander chose his friend Keith to play bass who had grown up with him, in NY Hardcore bands during the early 90's.
    Group Members
    Tyler Lee- Vocals, Studio:Various Instruments Zander Starr- Lead and Rythem Guitar, Studio: Guitars and Bass Keith Rose-Live Bass Joey De Vil- 2nd Guitar,Synth Danny De Vil - Drums and V-Tech
    Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums etc...
    Magic Tonic (2001), Crusht (2002)
    San Diego(Santee) / Temecula CA & Long Island NY, CA - USA

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