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    Artist description
    Singer/song writer Mark Martucci is new artist with a new style and a love for moogs and fuzz and coffe house guitars.
    Similar Artists
    elliot smith, ben kweller, fountains of wayne, nada surf, the wannadies...
    Artist History
    hmmm. i forget.
    Group Members
    mark martucci plays all the instruments on the recordings. (drums on oxnard california by g. zachk h.)
    drums, bass, guitars, moogs, washboard, robots.
    robot love songs, robots and mechanical devices, mark martucci (self titled, cat on moogg album) the juliana single
    Press Reviews
    a station owner says: Mark- I get emails from artists all the time requesting to be on the rock satellite. It's an exclusive, desirable place. Well, not really exclusive or desirable, yet I do get many emails and I always listen to the bands. Sifting through them I came upon yours. NOT once have I liked a band that sent me a request, UNTIL one mr. mark martucci. holy moly kid, youve got talent. you said you sound like ben kweller and elliot smith, who are 2 of my favorites, but to be honest with you i thought you were talking just a big game. you werent. you are fabulous and id be happy to add to the satellite with our other roster of bands. my question for you is: what songs (you get 3) do you want on there? Thank you so much for being the first top-notch band to request an addition. My hat goes off to you. Much love. -Glenn a fan's review of each song on Winona: I think this song grabs you right from the beginning. The melody is interesting and it kind of makes your feet want to move independently of your soul. It's beautiful - I want this song in the soundtrack of my life. I wonder when you're on mtv what the video for this song would be like . . Song for a Girl: The first image that popped into my head when the song started was a shady front room on a sunny day.And as the song progresses they're moving through the house and into the backyard. They're now in the world but still alone. And then maybe friends are coming over and the backyard is filling up with laughter but the person with the lyrics in their head is still totally unconnected to the people around. I have no idea why I thought all that, it just came. bizarre. Endless summer: First image - in a car. The feeling - not the lyrics - just the feeling of this song reminds me of car trips when I'm in the passenger side and I'm kind of slumped down in the seat with my head turned to the right resting against the headrest. And I'm just watching life go by with an unbiased openness. And all the things that go through your mind when you're open. How memories can become completely focused till the place you're in, kind of disappears into the background. And music is playing loudly and you're not talking to the driver because they're focused in their past and future as well, the present only exists in the music. Sam and Janet: oohhh, no first image. ::listening to song::This is the kind of song that mtv would ask you to play at the spring break shows. And for some reason they'd think it appropriate to have models walking down the runway during the song and everyone would be focused on them. And there would be one girl and one guy on separate sides of the crowd that would be really into the music and they'd become disillusioned with corporate young america because all this beauty is happening on the stage and no one else seems to get it. Oxnard California: Now this is the song that everyone in the above scenario would be totally into. Mainstream happiness - but only in a totally good way. Subtle Breakdown: It is so interesting how your lyrics come out so easily and yet they're not cliched. I'm completely feeling this song right now. too busy diggin' it to write about it I can't see you anymore: LOVE the beginning. It's interesting on the first line how you expect it to be all in minor but the guitar seems to go major for a second and it's unexpected. hmm. very cool. do you really play all the instruments? will you be my hero? can I be your fanclub president? Love the little bell sounds in the background. could I be more random? Lullaby: If my heart was broken I'd like a friend to put this on a mixed tape for me. It feels like a bridging song (sp). A song that takes you across a painful internal growth period. I want to play that song on repeat but it ruins the magic. You have to hear it once, let it go and wait a while to listen again. Stars: The beginning of stars is gorgeous. Love the chord progression. you're such a rock star. As I'm sitting here just listening I totally started smiling against my will. If I was rich and could hire bands from across the country to play at backyard parties - you would be my first pick AND this song would be the climax of the evening. And it would be one of those moments that you look back on, and it seems to make all the troubles in life worth it. The movie-style moments. Okay, thats all the songs on Hope I didn't completely bore you or freak you out. I just really REALLY love music. Deborah
    Philadelphia, PA - USA

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