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    Artist description
    Electroacoustic sounscapes. Anything is a potential instrument although there's usually a guitar in there somewhere.
    Music Style
    Electroacoustic soundscapes
    Musical Influences
    Edgard Varese, Les Paul, Miles Davis, Pablo Neruda, Salvador Dali, radio waves, wind, water, wood, metal, the world at large
    Similar Artists
    Max Ernst, Edgard Varese, Tristan Tzara, Misha
    Artist History
    I have been playing music since I was 4 yrs old. Played and jammed in a few bands performing only original material. Spent the late 70's as a recluse in an old house surrounded by sonic objects, running 20 foot tape loops on multiple recorders (didn't know about Fripp yet). Issued a series of over 25 independent releases starting in 1985 including collaborations with sci fi/horror writer John Shirley, seminal intermedia artist Conrad Schnitzler, tape manipulator Rik Rue, the Schreck Ensemble, sound poets Richard Truhlar, Mel Buffington, and David Memmott, and my wife, writer Misha Nogha. My music has been reproduced in all recorded and broadcast formats, and I have composed for film, video, graphics, dance, theatre, literature, poetry, as well as studio and live performance.
    Group Members
    Most of the time it's just me, but Misha's contributions over the years, musically and otherwise, are beyond measure.
    Anything I can use to create sound.
    Blood Musics, Hotwired, Red Spider White Web, Subterranean Rage, All Fires The Fire, Minds In Collison with John Shirley, Smoking Face with Richard Truhlar, Concho with Conrad Schnitzler, Das Devonian Tag, Prayers Of Steel, Skomorokhi, Future Selves, Les Oiseaux, Ear Tracks, Stray Dogs, The Latest Models, Creative Memory, Insect Hands (Leather Smile), Epidaurus, Yellowjacket, Date With Kali, soundtrack to the novel Alligator Alley and graphic novel The Hazardous Murders.
    Press Reviews
    "It conjures visions of superstrings twined around a quantum fork in ten-dimensional space-time." - Keyboard "Dark, cold, eerie, and beautiful" - EAR "Conception and execution are grasped onto with sweaty hands... there's no turning back" - Gajoob "Some of the most evocative soundscapes you could imagine" - Eurock "Dark and moody music that wraps you in tightly like a wet sheet" - Factsheet Five "This evocative mix conjures up pictures that range from somber beauty to sobering brutality. Here is ambient music of an involving, organic nature, thick with activity... a wholly human approach" - Sound Choice "Positively stunning" - Option
    Additional Info
    follow the links on 'The Badger - Michael Chocholak' web page
    Cove, Oregon - USA

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