-Crysalis- Artist Info Home
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    Artist description
    Although we call our music Avantgarde Gothic Metal, Crysalis is a band which is very hard to compare to any other band. The only thing for sure is that our music is metal in some way or other. We're mainly influenced by Black- and Power- Metal and Folk, but which have also some influences of Hard Rock, Blues, and so on. As a result, Crysalis are not a band for everyone, but they are definetly something special and unique.
    Music Style
    Avantgarde Gothic Metal
    Musical Influences
    Black Metal, Power Metal, (Nordic) Folk, Blues, Hard Rock
    Similar Artists
    Dornenreich, Artrosis, Tristania, Opeth, Samsas Traum, Eisregen, Iron Maiden
    Artist History
    In the fall of 1999 Crysalis was founded by singer Chrys and guitar-player Djardes, the latter being known in the local scene for his former band Layment. The step from musical idea to reality came to pass after drummer Cid and bassist Timo joined the band. When Timo left the band only a short time thereafter due to personal and musical differences, Chrys became the bassist also. This constellation stays to the present day, interrupted only by short periods of musical enrichment by the cello of Ilka and the violine of Jandara. Crysalis gave their first concert on the 6.16.00 in the Radhaus in Kleve with very positive reactions from the audience. “Frühlingssturmâ€, the first CD by Crysalis, was published on the 9.8.01, while the release-party of their second CD “Ein Mittsommernachtsmord†took place in the Mysteria in Recklinghausen on the 7.21.01. Crysalis have just released a new single ("the door") and have new shirts as merchandise.
    Group Members
    Chrys: bass & vocals Djardes: guitar & vocals Cid: drums, vocal perversion
    Bass, guitar, drums, accoustic guitar, percussion
    Fruehlingssturm, ein Mittsommernachtsmord, the Door (Single)
    Press Reviews
    Excerpts of some (german) reviews: Amboss-Mag:"...Hingebungsvoll dargeboten zwischen Extase beim Sex und dem Ende am Kreuz[...]Krank, abwechslungsreich, morbide verspielt und vollkommen eigenständig wird euch ein dunkler Sound das Ohr verwöhnen..." Eternity-Magazin:"...eine von den Scheiben, die sich allen gängigen Vergleichen entziehen..." Internet-Metal:"Ahh Angst!! [...] -Grausam!" 1,5/10 Thumbstones Obliveon:"Crysalis ist eine Band, die, ähnlich wie Samsa's Traum oder Sanguis et Cinis, polarisiert. So kommt auch das im Booklet der Band angeführte Motto "More Strange Than True" wohl nicht von ungefähr[...]" 6/10 Punkten
    Additional Info
    Herne, NRW - Germany

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