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    Artist description
    Nostril Phactor can most easily be described as "intelligent techno." Most of the music attempts to make people ask that question, "How did he do that?" Although Nostril Phactor tries to peak the listener's interest by not letting them know what's coming up and by constantly changing bass lines, beats, drum loops, and rhythms they also produce some music that is for the sole purpose of making you dance. By the combining of analog instrumentation through digital sampling and mixing, the band aims to please many different tastes and can definitely provide something for everyone. The instruments used by Nostril Phactor are those that would be used by any group, but they are put together quite differently. Since Nostril Phactor consists of only one person, he must play all instruments and put together all samples himself. This almost rules out the possibility of a live performance, but it gives the band a unique sound and inspires the listener to think about every single element of the song and consider how it was put together.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Moby, Orbital, Underworld, Information Society, Daft Punk, The Beatles
    Similar Artists
    Underworld, Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Moby, Prodigy, Hruder & Oorfmeister, Mixmaster Mike, Portishead, Crystal Method, Daft Punk, Propellerheads
    Artist History
    I started making music with a MIDI sequencer a few years ago and I thought it was wonderful. I had been spinning all along, but this was new territory. I would compose all kinds of things and simply did it as a hobby. Then I started fiddling around with MOD Trackers and thought those were the end-all be-all of electronic musical mastery. Maybe I'll upload some of these early compositions at a later date. I decided to get a couple of my friends that couldn't do anything and start a band. My band had one practice and we argued over the name for a week. I can't seem to remember what they wanted to call it, but I have always wanted to call my band (if I ever got one) Nostril Factor. We finally (through my annoying phone calls late at night and constant nagging) settled on something not too different, Nostril Phactor Nine. This was just fine for me and I started working on some tracks. I composed the guitar and keyboard pieces and anything electronic and worked on lyrics while they did nothing. I put together a couple songs without their help and that's when I decided that maybe it would be in my best interest to venture off on my own. A few months later Charlton (one of the former members) joined with me again and we started working on electronic music, the style that I have stuck with. After forking over mucho dinero for editing software and different electronic devices he backed out. This left me with having to pay the entire price instead of the planned half. During this entire time, I kept spinning at local clubs in order to fund myself. I would play a little of my own works now and then in order to test it out with the crowds, and it appeared to work.I dropped the Nine from the named because I, upon consultation with my friend Fawn, decided that it was too lengthy. I started collecting tons of software such as Cool Edit Pro, Mixman Studio, Rebirth, Sonic Foundry Acid, Digital 1000SL, Rubber Duck, Quartz Audiomaster, Cubase VST, etc. These are what most of my samples are generated and manipulated with while I still use a guitar and turntables, and keyboards for some effects. I tried finding information on sending out demo tapes and already knew how to get some free demo tapes out through local CD stores, but never took the time to follow through. When I discovered my music was finally released and I squeezed out two CDs rather quickly. Hopefully my career will pick-up, but if it doesn't, well..... I would like to say that I don't care, but I do. I am currently working with several other artists in my area and managing them as well. I still spin from time to time and I still love it just as much as my own music. Hopefully one day I will be able to practice both in complete harmony, perhaps even have some of my own tracks pressed. Well, this is the limit to my music career..... I hope you are wiser for listening.
    Group Members
    Aaron Smith
    Turntables, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboards, SF Acid, Rebirth, Mixman, Quartz AudioMaster 2000, Digital 1000SL, Cool Edit Pro, Rubber Duck H30+, Cubase VST
    Creative, pixel +, ElectroStatic,, Remembrance, Hours of Darkness
    Press Reviews
    "Have you ever heard a song that just makes you learn back in your chair, unbuckle your belt, and say, "Hmmmm... now that was good. Well, it's about time to drop your pants."
    Sacramento, CA - USA

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