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    Artist description
    Elsewhere, a progressive-punk trio from Boston, combines the energy and raw angst of punk with the ambition and creativity of progressive rock. Elsewhere has recently injected another powerful dose of their style into the modern rock community with their new single, Marginal. The trio consists of guitarist/vocalist Mike Aroian, drummer Craig Morrison and bassist Marc Ubaldino-a trio of atypical punks with corporate day jobs who bring the duality of their existence to the stage with their high-energy live performances. This contradiction between image and sound pulls the listener into a state of emotional release through thought-provoking music. The truly progressive part of Elsewhere's music is that it also has a pop sensibility that people can appreciate and relate to on an entirely different level. Influenced by a wide array of bands such as Rush, the Police, Duran Duran, and the Sex Pistols, elsewhere has developed a smooth, electric and groove-oriented sound that will transcend the wavering music trends of the day. The new CD single, Marginal, is a much-anticipated follow-up to the well-received debut album, Outbound, that was released in 1997. The raunchy yet radio-friendly Marginal is more of an over the top power-pop song, while the B-side track Connection demonstrates a nod to that progressive aesthetic Elsewhere continues to pursue. Through airplay on local music radio shows and performances throughout the Northeast, Elsewhere is continuing to attract interest from club audiences, magazines and record labels.
    Music Style
    Progressive Punk
    Musical Influences
    Rush, Police, Duran Duran, Sex Pistols
    Similar Artists
    Radiohead, Sponge
    Artist History
    If you have ever tried to do anything different, anything to do with following a dream particularly with music, then you most likely will relate to the story of Elsewhere... Elsewhere is a local band that has a vision of enriching the Boston scene with their unique variety of rock. But like any other band in town that has hit the clubs stages, we represent dreams realized through countless practices and oogles of determination. Yup, we are yet another garage band gone seeking the rockstar life in the Hub but I think we'll get to our destination because we have some kind of artistic energy to offer to the scene.
    Group Members
    Mike P. Aroian, Craig Morrison, Marc Ubaldino
    Guitars, Drums, Bass
    Outbound, Marginal
    Press Reviews
    Instant Magazine: June/July 1998 "Quite possibly one of the best bands nobody in Boston has ever heard of. Elsewhere could be to punk what U2 and REM were to alt-rock." Lollipop Magazine: "Elsewhere appears to be a popular rock alternative for those sick of the grunge, punk, and electronic explosions."
    Somerville, Massachusetts - USA

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