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    Artist description
    Swedish band. Make music in various genre like acoustic, pop, rock, dance, synth etc. Take care and hope you like the music!
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    Artist History
    Have been on Swedish Vitaminic's Top-10 chart (nr:1) and other Swedish Top-list.
    Press Reviews
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Its odd when a bands chief liability is also its main asset. This might be the case with the Swedish band Mix. However, if you have been crying out for something different, then the song Answer Me might just ANSWER YOU! This bands oxymoron blessing is its lead singer. Unfortunately, her name is a mystery, as its unlisted. Put it this way: in the unlikely event that you’ve fantasized about Julie Andrews fronting Led Zeppelin - this song is for you! If this fantasy doesnt appeal to you, then the song might not either. However, I have heard very few singers anywhere with the vocal prowess of this young lady. WOW! The song slides up out of the darkness , a soft synth cascade over-laced by a plucked web of flanged guitar: ripples on a dark pond. At 0:19 - Mary Poppins lands. From the first lines she sings the listener is torn between admiration and mirth. First, what a voice! Secondly, whats a nice voice like yours doing in rock like this? In part, it is the odd crystal clear annunciation that challenges the ear. This is likely because the young lady is singing in a language strange to her , she is Swedish, one assumes. One assumes formal training as well. At precisely 1:07 the band breaks out in heavy rock mode – let it be known: they DO rock, and no fooling around - replete with distorted guitar, screeching lead, pounding drums and thundering bass! It is at this juncture, that any mirth one felt about the voice gives way to joy. Oh, wow! Can this woman sing!!! Precisely what shes singing is debatable (clear diction - thick accent) and left entirely to the listeners imagination, since no libretto is supplied. It sounds like …haunted forest. Which is appropriate since this listener, at least, is utterly enchanted. Two defects: the voice should be up in the mix,pun intended. The ending is a tad lame. Oh, the rest of the band? Well,they are merely great; the singers amazing! /Cam Bastedo GOM Charisma: 9.50 Technical Skill: 8.00 Structure: 7.00 Interest: 8.50 Lyrics: n/a Performance: 8.00 Arrangement: n/a Recording Quality: 7.50 Long Term Appeal: 8.50 OVERALL: 8.10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I mina öron låter Mix musik som en blandning av Abba och Erasure. Det är ett klart 80-tals sound rakt igenom låtarna, pumpande discobeat och syntiga ljud. Kan inte säga att det tilltalar mig överdrivet mycket, men det är inte helt osvängigt. Ska jag vara ärlig trode jag inte att någon gjorde sån här musik längre... Men tydligen hade jag fel. Mix sticker absolut ut från mängden och gör sin musik, men som sagt var... Det tilltalar mig väldigt lite. Tror kanske att låtarna bättre lämpar sig för folk över 40. Recenserad av Erik Östholm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A synth-pop band from Sweden, MixBand has been compared to everything from ABBA to a Sweetish Blondie yet one must not forget the queen of all cheesy European imports, Ace of Base,when comparing MixBands playful beats and silly synthesizers to the poppy pop acts of ages past. Though the dot-matrix sounding keyboard immediately eliminates all seriousness in -A Magical Night-,the song recovers upon entrance of the vocals. The slow, rhythmically varied lyrics of the female singer delicately blanket the hyper-happy atmosphere of the instrumentation, creating a lucid world of transcendental madness. In other words, A Magical Night is a soulful voice layered over the theme from Mike Tysons Punchout—and its a f*ckin- good time. Need to turn that frown upside down? Click the link below and check out MixBand.Is it cheesy? Sure.Sophomoric? Maybe.But will it bob your head and put a smile on your face? You’d better believe it. -Eric Myers ---The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.---Lester Bangs Charisma: 9.00 Technical Skill: 7.50 Structure: n/a Interest: 9.00 Lyrics: 9.00 Performance: n/a Arrangement: 9.00 Recording Quality: 8.50 Long Term Appeal: 8.50 OVERALL: 8.60 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enligt Oneday Demos: Mix använder vidriga 80-tals syntar och trummaskiner på största allvar. Detta är ett låtbyggarsätt som är otroligt vanligt bland små sångskapare därute, och personligen tycker jag att alla dessa borde utrotas. Mix låt har dock charm, den är en fanatisk frireligiös abbainfluerad eurodiscodänga, och melodin och texten är så naiv och simpel att man älskar den bara därför. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GENERAL OPINION: There are similarities between Mix and Plastic Planet: tiny blipping synth melodies à la early Depeche Mode. Imagine Just Can't Get Enough, and you're close. The singing and recording need improvement, and maybe also a more straightforward lead melody. Peter Å, 20 March 2002 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In 1980, I was five years old. Initially, ELO comes to mind with the SUPER-RETRO synth work. The vocals were SO Swedish Deborah Harry. This certainly brought me back to early FM radio and damn near gave me a joygasm. My head was slowly swaying back and forth and I was digging for my lighter, but forgot that I no longer smoked (and did not in 1980). Back to 2002 and in the critics chair... The musical support was mostly fitting. At times, her vocals were strained when low notes were attempted and the synth came in a little loud during the chorus. When the singer stays within her range, her voice is quite adequate. Also, the ending felt a little abrupt. Lyrically, there is no claim to Morrisseys throne. Although the meaning was fractured and cliché-riddled (ABBA-esque), they really only added to the carefree charm created by the time warp, message of love, and arrangement. The singers voice and musical support were certainly fitting for that era. However, its so retro that the listener is required to go back in time in order to enjoy this song and that may deter some. Overall,this was a fun listen and should be heard by those that wish to go back in time, while forgiving minor production faults and not trying to find a deeper message with their lyrics. --Meekoh thanks you for volunteering yourself for the gods of music guillotine-- Charisma: 9.50 Technical Skill: 6.00 Structure: 6.00 Interest: 6.50 Lyrics: 3.00 Performance: 7.00 Arrangement: 6.00 Recording Quality: 8.50 Long Term Appeal: 3.00 OVERALL: 6.10 /Review by: Adam Mico ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I am not much of a dance fan so take my comments accordingly... You do have a Swedish sound, sort of modern Abba. I like the vocals and the uptempo sound of your first tune (cant see what it is because the @#$%^ song name doesn't display in my winamp when playing) The second song was more to my liking because the beat wasnt so intense...but I guess that is what makes a good dance song rather than a listening song. Banker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have to agree with Bankerdude. The style reminds me of ABBA (which is a good thing in my opinion). In the first track ( I wanna be with you right now), the rhythm and melody are really nice, the only complaint i have is that is gets repetitive after a while. Theres no new stuff in the middle or something to keep the song fresh. Nice track overall. As for the second track, its another interesting track. Reminds me of an ABBA remix of sorts!! The beat could have been a bit heavier,and the melody sounds a bit generic, but i am probably being too finiky here. I like the track overall. Hope these comments help and btw mixband, thanks for reviewing my track Keep up the good work. Edited by: lokimotion at: 2/28/02 3:56:24 am ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -I wanna be with you right now- Well, dancey Euro pop. Bouncey and happy it is. Nice analogue synth pharps, strong backing vocal treatments and a big dancefloor hook permeating right through. Reminds me of a cross between the Buggles (video killed the radio star) and Abba. The lyrics are totally and very aptly - banal. This kind of stuff could potentially turn me into a xenophobic psychopath, but dont let that put you off,Its a very professional sounding job, just in a genre that does not quite grab me the right way. I did feel the lead vocal could have been delivered more 'diva' style perhaps. Good middle spoken part. Maybe there could have been some variation on the synth sound, slightly, not too much. And maybe run the drums through a dirty radio effect in one verse to give it a variation. Oh yeah, there be a market for this stuff. Itd go perfect on some kind of tv program about strange goings on in the French hinterland of rural gossip mongering. Your doing what you do very well,Id say. Gustav Bertha The Babbler ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First impressions - ReBirth. As in, the softsynth pack from Propellerheads. I was getting ready to write a really funny bad review, when the vocals started. So I should say, the band is lucky that the review request ended up on my desk, because it just so happens that I enjoy cheesy Swedish music. Its got the ambience of some kind of psychotic circus theme song, makes me think of mice and turtles in disco gear prancing around with assorted barnyard animals,getting drunk and hacking eachother apart with spoons. The kind of music that makes you wonder if you've ingested some exotic psychedellic drug without knowing - or worse, without remembering, and it's effect has been that you can't even remember how it got in you. How long have you been like this, you ask yourself? These are my mental images. Its the kind of song that Hunter S. Thompson would keep in his personal music collection for just such an occasion. Its like Abba on acid, which is fine with me because I collect Abba on vinyl and the vocalist REALLY sounds like the girls from Abba... must be a Swedish thing? Whichever the case, I've stored it in my own personal music collection for scaring the bejeezus out of the candy ravers at 6am when the partys over and the lights come up. And if you like Abba, or psychotic circus theme songs,then I suggest you download it and do likewise. J. Bethell Staff Reviewer, Charisma: 7.50 Technical Skill: 5.00 Structure: 6.50 Interest: 6.00 Lyrics: 6.00 Performance: 6.00 Arrangement: 5.50 Recording Quality: 6.00 Long Term Appeal: 4.00 OVERALL: 5.80 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Reggae pop! I think there is too much reverb overall in this song. It tends to blur everything together at times. The guitar part can come out more, or lower the volume of the keyboards. I think the vocals would sound evern better if you could sing some harmonies on a line here and there. The structure of the song is good. The melody is good, you can remember it (thats a good thing). - Midiwiz Dover, Delaware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Like that... ...sort of Blondie-vocals. I would guess that it's been some influences taken from there. An overall fun prodution even if I think that there's a lot of improvement to be done with the programminf og the drum e.g. - BrendaHarris Stockholm, Sweden ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ are you blondie? not bad its pretty catchy.. NOt my style of music though... Not really an eighties kind of guy.. Are you hot? - ddjones Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not a bad pop tune this was a nice effort at producing some pop candy to the ears...has a nice mood and feel. the melody was good, but nothing jumped out at me as far as a hook (chorus) goes...might want to work on that...overall not a bad tune Extra Credit: Melody, Mood - nextbigsomethin Corpus Christi, Texas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Breezy An odd arrangement this one. Distorted guitars and a very cheesy piano sound. The girls vox are interesting if slightly out of place. An unusual track all round - Dinternational Macclesfield, Cheshire, United Kingdom ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ blondie returns? Some nice production techniques really got a great sound here. Very lively and live feeling. Arrangement is strong. Melody isnt quite as hooky as the instruments. I like the vocals but they seem a little thin in this lush mix. Nice tune! Extra Credit: Sequencer/Effects Programming, Production, Mood - Jonathan_G Bridgeport, Connecticut ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sorry, not my thing Not sure what to make of this. The intro definitely put me off - sounds like one of those Ibiza dance tunes. Was pleasantly surprised when the vocals came in. Still not convinced though - think its the instrumentation and production. - SevenWorlds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ trippy song trippy song. intro was cool. like the girl vocals on this track. nice melody. everything sounds tight. keep up the good work. - badussy666 Cedar Park, Texas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOVE THE VOICE I love the voice and the rhythm. The melody is cool and the arrangement is perfect for the song. Extra Credit: Female Vocals - robertkeenan Phoenix, Arizona ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ new you have very unique sound. i love the vocal melody and the wierd beat and the keyboards. sounds like theres lots of blondie influence here. i love it. Extra Credit: Keyboards/Organ/Piano, Sequencer/Effects Programming - yellowstars Durham, North Carolina ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tin roof,rusted!! Very go-go's. Guitars are pretty heavy for such light music. Vocals are sexy and melodic, gimme more soul! Melody is very sesame street! Arrangement, could you give me any more lyrical Yoda-isms??? Excellent track people! - RadioStar Kingsville, Texas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A great combination ... ...of Kate Bush and a reggae tune, and a pop/oldtime/ Hermans Hermits kinda tune. Not a putdown, this is a very interesting piece of work. I like it. Talented group. Good Luck. Paul N. Extra Credit: Female Vocals, Production - Bff_Biff Questa, New Mexico ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 99 Luft Balloons! Production was done real well on this song, i can appreciate the talent, but i dont listen to this type of music so it is hard for me to comment, the keyboards sound a little Casio--ish, arrangement seems fine - HocuzPocuz Unknown, New York ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    H, Se - Sweden

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