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    Artist description
    We are a Rock band from the southside of Chicago.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    The Cheeseburger Kids, Toofpaste Face, Sausageous, Simplestick, Lay-Zee-Boy and the Rockin' Recliners, I C U P, and the Blowtorches.
    Artist History
    It all started when Tony Tenerelli (guitar) began to practice with a kid named Bill Gorski. Bill played drums and became the first drummer of the band. Dominic Doria later joined 5th Wall as bassist/singer a few days after Tony and Bill began practicing. The trio was formed in the Summer of 2001, and wrote several songs and began establishing a name for themselves all over the local scene. They released a self-titled demo under this lineup which solidified their sound to their listeners. 5th Wall then decided to take their music to a new level, and added a new lead guitarist named Jay. 5th Wall now had 4 members and began writing more intense and energetic songs. They picked up more and more fans, but unfortunately, 5th Wall decided to let Jay go after only a few shows, because they felt the three-piece outfit best suited their style of music. As time went on, Tony and Dominic began to feel the need to search for a new drummer. They shortly stumbled upon good friend Justin Antos, who began jamming with them in the Winter months of 2002. After practicing with Justin, they had come to the decision that he would better suit the band as drummer instead of Bill. Shortly after reaching that decision, Bill was asked to leave the band and Justin would take the place as the new drummer of 5th Wall. Justin joined the band on New Years Day 2002, and since then, 5th Wall has recorded numerous demo CD's and played live more than ever before, and is now in the process of recording their first full-length EP under the tentative title of "Roll In The Cream Cheese", produced by 5th Wall and Drew Neely, featuring tracks such as, "My Favorite Video", "Loser", and the ever-so-popular "Airhead". 5th Wall is currently writing more songs, playing more shows, and is being checked out by different record labels of the midwest. 5th Wall is out to gain more and more of a following, and dedicates all their music to each one of their supportive friends and fans, who they love and admire.
    Group Members
    Dominic Doria...Lead Vocals/Guitar Tony Tenerelli...Lead Guitar/Vocals Justin Antos...Drums/Vocals Craig Szafoni...Bass/Vocals
    Summer of 2001 Demo, Spring 2K2 Demo, The 5-Cent Sampler, Start the Trend
    Press Reviews
    H.E.E.T. Magazine (Issue 8, VOL. 2) 3/2002 - "5th Wall is a verly talented group. If you want the very best, make sure you check them out!"
    Oak Lawn, Illinois - USA

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