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    Artist description
    Forget Serenity is a band with a very wide array of styles. We mix elements of Black Metal, Hardcore ,emo and others into a genre that we have no name to put on
    Music Style
    Black metal mixed with Melodic hardcore and powerful emo tones
    Musical Influences
    Soilwork, Hypocrisy, Raised Fist, Converge, Moneen, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth, Borknagar, Dark Funeral, Mock Orange, Choke Ebony tears, Good Riddance, and many others
    Similar Artists
    Ebony Tears, Raised Fist, Hypocrisy, Converge, Snapcase , Choke
    Artist History
    . Our lyrics are based on feelings within our minds and bodies that we achieve through different senarios in life. We write lyrics with no boundaries but yet theyre not always as they seem. If any of our lyrics shock you or offend you than please try and remember were speaking on how we feel not how we wish to act or how we really are as people in reality. We may write a song about how someone made us feel anger inside so the lyrics would be about the actions wed like to take but dont cause of self control. This band was formed mentally in 1999 and was the brainchild of one man and since than he has obtained the talents of several different musicians to perform and add to his masterplan of ideas. In Forget Serenity we are one we have no identities and we prefer to keep our idenities behind the front lines of exposure and let the music and the words speak for themselves which is how it should be i the world of art. We would like you to take a good listen to our songs and keep coming back because more and more songs will surface all the time. The quality of our songs is low and we know it but as we are also very independant musicians, at this point we have only home recording tools to rely on until Summer/Fall 2002 when we will begin recording our first full length in a real studio. All members of Forget Serenity play many instruments and are very experienced musicians in other bands. In any given song you may not hear the same people on the same instruments as the one before so take a listen to everything.
    Group Members
    The Forget Serenity collective
    Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Synths etc
    Press Reviews
    Additional Info
    Thunder Bay, Ontario - Canada

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