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    Artist description
    BIOGRAPHY FDAP, (pronounced FUH-DAP) is the matrimony of a four piece Hip-Hop band, and 3 MCs. The dynamic of the group consists of the music makers and the lyricists working together like the Neptunes would with Jay-Z. The grooves and melodies are created and given to the MCs, at which point they are inspired to write lyrics. The group also operates like The Roots. When the time comes, both entities can come together and perform tightly to deliver the musical package. Although FDAP is similar in its dynamic to the aforementioned artists, the content, and delivery are completely original. FDAP has established a unique and different take on Hip-Hop music. Freestyle Distribution, the music makers, consist of a diverse group of musicians who are dedicated to making fat hip hop beats while infusing melodies with feeling. The Vocalists implant their meaningful, and personal lyrics with each of their own unique styles to complete the puzzle. FDAP’s music and lyrics speak to people that, at one time or another, have felt like they were outcasts, and just didn’t fit it. FDAP uses topics such as Outer-Space, and Aliens as a metaphor for being an outsider, and different from other people. FDAP also appeals to those who are sick of all the Hip-Hop music that is full of meaningless, heartless lyrics about money, and excess, that most people can not relate to. These are the ways FDAP connects with the masses. All people, at one time or another, feel as if they don’t fit in, or are being alienated from the world. FDAP relates with people, and gives them a feeling that they are not alone after all, and that there are others like them. FDAP is a way out for people who enjoy music, but are sick of hearing about how much money someone has. FDAP is full of dedicated musicians whose first, and only love is music.
    Music Style
    Hip Hop
    Musical Influences
    Roots, OutKast, Incubus,
    Similar Artists
    Group Members
    Ghost: Vocals Webb-Star: Vocals Ace: Vocals Fathertime: Drums John: Guitar, synth Jeff: Keyboard, guitar Yohon: Bass
    3 Vocalists, 1 Drummer, 1 Keyboard/Guitar, 1 Guitar, 1 Bassist
    Dallas, Texas - USA

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