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    Music Style
    spacy rock
    Musical Influences
    flaming lips, beatles, dj shadow, spiritualized, radiohead
    Similar Artists
    radiohead, portishead
    Artist History
    The core of the band hails from Upstate New York and after a couple of years of high profile touring, headlining rock rooms such as the Cat's Cradle (Chapel Hill, NC), Smith's Old Bar (Atlanta, GA) and NYC landmarks the Bitter End and Lion's Den (under the moniker Dizzy Monk), they attracted the interest of majors...(Capitol, EMI, Sire). Sadly (for them) they disbanded shortly before they could officially sign a deal. After relocating to LA, Dizzy Monk's front man Chad Anderson recorded an indie-funded solo record (The spooky loop) and began to reassemble the band with his original drummer, Jon Stevens, as well as new bass player Tim Villegas (Frank Scares Me) and Kip Packard on guitar. Paloma's live shows combine the energy and unpredictable nature of late 60's giants (Jimi Hendrix, Zepplin, The Who) with the sonic experimentation and creative landscapes of such current leaders as Radiohead, DJ Shadow, Doves and Air, all the while being anchored by pop craftsmanship and attention to the most important detail of all…good songs. Paloma has been steadily building up regional recognition playing such venues as the Belly Up Tavern, the Epicentre and the Casbah (S.D.), the Coach House (S.B.), Slo Brew (San Luis Obispo), the Gypsy Lounge (O.C.) and the Ventura Theatre as well as preforming regularly in Hollywood at such well known local clubs as Goldfingers and the Gig on Melrose. The band's performances are known to be as inspirational as they are challenging; something, which is made all the more effective by the massive amount of touring experience that its combined members share. So if you find that you have been disillusioned and disappointed recently by the current club scene or just want to be the first to introduce your friends to some great new music…come check out Paloma…you won't be disappointed
    Group Members
    Chad Anderson - vocals, guitar, wurlitzer Kip Packard - guitar Tim Villegas - bass John Stevens - drums
    the spooky loop, ep - 001, 002, 003, roger moon ep
    Los Angeles, Ca - USA

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