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    Artist description
    F M Smith's music is gentle, yet powerful. He wields his acoustic guitar as a weapon of beauty and emotion -- mixing jazz, folk, and soul into a rich stew of subtle nuance and soothing tones, but underneath the calm exterior of the music are lyrics that reach out and embrace the broken-hearted and the disillusioned. Smith is influenced by the '60s and '70s legends he has listened to throughout his life, including Joni Mitchell, David Crosby, and The Byrds, as well as the unique new age singer/songwriter and guitar master Michael Hedges.The two time recipient of the American Billboard Songwriter's Contest Award frequently performs with Rob Bonaccorsi, former guitarist for the Freddy Jones Band. Smith's music is the perfect canvas for Bonaccorsi's creative stylings, and their performances are a rare combination of technical beauty and joyous spontaneity. Smith is currently touring in support of Red Guitar, which also features Bonaccorsi, and he is in the process of recording his second album, which will be the culmination of the duo's on-stage explorations. In addition, Smith's soft, supple vocals have graced television advertisements for Air Jamaica, and he has applied his talent to musical scores for the DeBoer/Haller Company's educational videos.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Willy Porter, John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Buffalo Springfield, The Byrds, Loudan Wainwright, Michael Hedges, David Crosby
    Similar Artists
    Willy Porter
    Artist History
    Smith has been a resident of the Chicago area for more than 20 years, though he originally grew up in New Jersey. He was drawn to music early in his life and at age 13, he put together his first band. Smith acknowledged, "I've been involved in several different careers throughout my life, but music is something I've always come back to. It is who I am, and I try to look at every day and every musical experience that I have as a gift."
    Group Members
    f m smithRob Bonaccorsi
    Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, percussion
    Red Guitar
    Press Reviews
    The Music Box - December 1998 - http://www.musicbox-online.comF.M. Smith's Red Guitar, recently released by Meriwether Music, is a collection of beautiful acoustic folk songs that draw from the music of Michael Hedges, Joni Mitchell, Pat Metheny, David Crosby, and Willy Porter. The music is certainly mellow as it gently flows, creating a lush mood of thoughtful introspection.As tender and gentle as the songs may seem, there's quite a bite behind many of Smith's lyrics. Rob Bonaccorsi, formerly the powerhouse guitar aficionado behind the Freddy Jones Band, adds a subtle undercurrent to the beauty in Smith's songs that helps to bring the darkness in Smith's lyrics to the forefront. Smith's songs tackle everything from broken relationships (I Keep Walking) to political and social commentary (Gonna Come a Day) with a sense of controlled anger and frustration
    Park Ridge, IL - USA

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