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    Artist description
    This is how the end begins... I know this because I am all that remains of what once was. I am the record of what transpired. If this is being received by another entity, then perhaps there was a point to the inevitable cycle of birth and destruction. This documentation of events is all that has been salvaged from life. This is how the end begins...
    Music Style
    "In some instances you can hear nothing more than a soft like whistle as the blood pours out of a deep, wide, wound to the throat. "
    Musical Influences
    "You see, I view it as an intricate form of art. I hear an imaginary type of sound in my head beforehand and then carry out whatever actions I deem necessary to produce the sound closest to what I envisioned to come from a dying body, such as yours. However, I have grown quite bored of the sounds I have been hearing. You whimper and cry like a child. I need something new, something invigorating, a sound that I have never heard come out of a piece of flesh before."
    Similar Artists
    "It would be a horrible disappointment if you tried to swallow your tongue and cover that windpipe."
    Artist History
    In the distant future of our universe, technologies and data have been shared by life forms throughout the galaxies, resulting in extraordinary innovations of achievement. Every corner of the universe has been explored and all life forms discovered. However, the abundance of species and independent societies, unavoidably led to many conflicts. Millions of violent wars were fought throughout the history of the universe. Whether being over conflicting political agendas or scarce resources, all have resulted in some form of devastation. The excess of consumption and destruction has culminated to the point where one Final Planet, inhabited by all remaining life forms, remains in the universe. All prior suffering, death and planetary destruction were just a precursor to the saga about to unfold. This is how the end begins...
    Group Members
    CHOJIN vs RezDog
    Guitars, Bass, Drum Machines, Samplers, Alienware Computer, one pound of flesh and a dull razor.
    Final Planet Volume 1 - Birth
    Additional Info
    Hells Toilet, NY - USA

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