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    Artist description
    "SubCity Adventures is that culmination of experience, past mistakes, and evolution that only comes around once a millenia. A band that formed from the ashes of frustration and writes from the heart. Formed in late November 2001, Ryan, Sean, Johnny, and Erik almost instantly clicked on both a personal and musical level. With influences taken from the worlds of skate punk, pop-punk, ska, emo, metal, and rock, they have a sound which transcends those genres and yet remains distinctively their own. Four friends hell-bent on making the best music they know how to make, creating an energetic and fun atmosphere wherever it is played, and to anyone that hears it. Punk rock at its finest."
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Ataris, Rancid, NoFX, Less Than Jake, 88 Fingers Louie, Nirvana
    Similar Artists
    Sewing With Nancie, Atairs, No Use For A Name, etc.
    Artist History
    Sean and Erik had played together in an earlier band called "Ten Pound Johnny", so after they had left their previous bands and wanted to start their own, they were already tight together and began writing songs not soon after. When a month of jamming around had pased, Sean and Erik searched the "905 board" for a bass player. They saw John's post about wanting to join a punk band, they left him a message. A week later they met up, and a few days after that, jammed with their friend Mike on vocals. After that first jam Mike left, and the 3-piece sounded great, but John mentioned that he had a friend who would be great to fill out the sound with giutar and vocals. so the next practice Ryan joined up, and "the rest is history" as they say.
    Group Members
    John Mandula - Bass; Ryan Schweitzer - Guitar/vocals; Sean Macaluso - Drums; Erik Mikalauskas - Guitar/vocals. (former members: Mike Jerome - Vocals)
    Guitar x2; bass; drums
    demo EP
    Additional Info
    for more info, check out
    Hamilton, Ontario - Canada

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