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    Artist description
    I woke up one day... and... I looked around me. "My eyes!" I screamed to no one imparticular. "What about them" he screamed back (c'mon, you saw that coming) "The lack of fasion... the disgusting arrangement of colors hurts my very being. The fabric of existance is trying to destroy itself in an attempt to prevent any more horrific fashionable disasters." "I know, I know!" he replied "We must do something about it..." "Who are you to do something about it?" he questioned derisevly. "I? Do you not see who I am?" "No..." "I am subtle, yet Immensely Chic! Mwahahahha!" and that ended the conversation.
    Music Style
    Ninja Turtle Style Rock
    Musical Influences
    Ping Ping Panda, Captain Filafel, Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies, The Cure, The Police, anything by Phil Collins.... mwahahaha... last but NOT least is the almighty YED!!
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    Artist History
    Our history is a very interesting one. It goes something like this: Well, it all began one day, a long time ago, but contrary to most stories that start that way, not very far away at all. I was walking down the street in the busiest sector of my home town when I ran across a shoe. But no ordinary shoe, no, for that would create an ordinary song. Instead, it was a magical shoe. Upon placing it on my foot, it spoke! And what it said was this: "You'll find no shoe on foot or store Or random boot on cowboy's whore, That rhymes these words as well as me, But there ain't nothing I do for free, So hope your hopes I don't eat your foot, And turn that leg right into soot. If intact you want your heel, Then listen boy to this here deal, Write me a song in six-four time, And then son, you shall survice this rhyme." Well, after that I really had choice so here it is in all its glory. Post Script: Sadly, I have no heel....
    Group Members
    None to speak of.
    Press Reviews
    The Press and ourselves have come to a mutual agreement that we should be left well enough alone.
    Additional Info
    We're rockers from beyond fashionable sense.
    East Brunswick, New Jersey - USA

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