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The Red

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    Artist description
    Red River is Chicago's most interesting band to see live only challanged by the artsiness of Crash Poet. They have dressed up like Santa, tigger, elfs, pimps, a Ghost all at different times. They have a very active live show involving each and every person in crowd be it by having a clown give them ballon swords to fight with and around Christmas time, hand out presents to the audience from the dollar store, or having them sing the murderous chorus of 35 degrees. They used to have Relative Ash's drummer Johnny in the band which brought them up to the next level on there first demo making them even better, but later they got Justin to drum, but he was not serious enough for the band, so they parted ways. So they went on a search for the drummer they have now, Dave from Verocine, which made them complete. And now no one can deny that Red River just absoulutey blows away any band that they are playing with or that their music of murder, stalking, haunted houses etc. doesn't absoultly rock. They're singer Spooky has been described as sounding like Fred Durst gone metal and on acid. The music is phat and knows how to get a person off. It's quite scary how good this band is and equally scary how diehard their fans are. Red River is like Slayer to chicago complete with uncomprimising fans that don't let you forget that Red River is the greatest band there is and thats it.
    Music Style
    Twisted Demented Metal
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    System of a Down
    Artist History
    A long time ago in the magical land of Chicago a young man by the name of Spatz went to a Deicide show. There he met a very strange man with the same love for music that he had himself, and his name was Spooky. The two became friends and formed a band called Spoox. Spoox played a few shows here and there and even got one with the well-known Chicago based band Relative Ash. They weren't together to long and Spatz joined a band called Shaft with a young lad who was Mike Tate's older brother, who's name is just a mystery. Now this boy Mike Tate was not to bad himself, he could really jam on the bass. His friend that he met in highschool named Brian Kowalski who played guitar, and himself formed a band called Demise. But one day, and I don't know how it happened, these 4 met, and formed the infamous band we all know and love today called RED RIVER. Now on there first demo they didn't have no drummer, so they got there friend Johnny from Relative Ash to record. So when they finally found this guy named Justin, they began to not like him so, Spooky ate him and now Dave from Veroscene is in the band.
    Group Members
    Spooky - Vocals Mike Spatz - Guitar Brian Kolwalski - Guitar Mike Tate - Bass Dave Uribe -Drums
    Guitar (Ibanez), Drum (Pearl), Bass (?)
    Return of the Carpet Cleaning Sea Creatures (6 song demo)
    Press Reviews
    One word to describe their newest release: Crazy! This is pretty much a combination of their last 2 demos which include 35 Degrees, Eating Popcorn with Judas, Hey Fuckhead, 9 Lives, Lagoona Paya, and Samantha. Not very many bands can capture the impact and rage of their live show and jam it onto a CD, but Red River does that with nothing short of perfection! There is a distinct difference between the first and second demos. Their first demo (as with their second) sound excellent. The songs off the first demo (35 Degrees, Eating Popcorn with Judas, and Hey Fuckhead) had wacky sound clips before each song, just showing how fun and original they really are. The 2nd demo was more straightforward, but do you think they toned it down at all? No fucking way! They really show how unique and just awesome this band is! They are really starting to make a name in the local scene and I wouldn't be surprised if you heard a lot more from these guys in the near future. Written By:
    Chicago, Ill - USA

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