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    Adventures In Klazzix - Year I (2002), Pure Klazzix Gold (2002)
    Press Reviews
    March 2002 INSTANT KLAZZIX GONZO JOURNALISM BY DOC PICKLES During a late night in August, two fellows, we'll call them Matt and Greg, were celebrating the birthday of a fellow we'll call George. Now these fellows were going on about how interesting it was that John Lennon woke up one day and wrote "Instant Karma." That in itself isn't very remarkable, as Lennon wrote songs on many mornings previous to "Instant Karma," but what made this experience unique was that Lennon had enough clout to cancel whatever was scheduled to be recorded at Apple that day, and had the song played on BBC that very night. A few rounds of beer later, it was noted that the technology to do that exists right here, today, in their living rooms. The next day George spoke to Matt on the phone, fighting off a well-earned hangover, and said: "We have to do it. We have to do it now. If we fucking stumble at the first hurdle we'll never get anywhere." And so that very Thursday, inspired as only true indie D.I.Y. warriors can be inspired, the fellows hooked up with a fellow we'll call Darren at their industrial parkland practice space with the "obsolete" model of a DMT-8VL eight-track digital recorder. They plugged in. They hit record. They fed the data into an iMac and less than eight hours later, the first installment of the Instant Klazzix series was uploaded to They've been doing it every week since. The idea is for musicians to gather in the Oxford County Circus central nervous system at the Skinner space at the end of a windswept street near Dufferin and Dupont. Nothing that is recorded during the session may have ever been rehearsed before, with a band or alone, in sickness and in health. Everything that's laid down in the moment becomes part of the texture of the whole experience, represented at the end of the night by a single form, a vessel of creativity, the song. There's a cool moment, it could be at home on the couch or it could be with the band in the practice space jamming, when a song just "happens" and what's great about Instant Klazzix, aside from the fact that the name seems to be a tribute to John Lennon, is that the moment of a song's "happening" is coaxed into occurring once a week, like clockwork. There is no difference between an inspired or flawed Instant Klazzix song. Most of them move from hitting the record button to being available for download in less than four hours - though their website says eight to prevent disappointment. The fellows had been going at it for six months and one week when your humble correspondent, a couple of Wayne Omahonians - Matt and Paco - and the members of By Divine Right joined the party, with George at the helm. Eight tracks, and no idea what to do. George solemnly informs us that we have to be out of the studio by midnight in order to accord with Instant Klazzix's code of indie D.I.Y behaviour. Voices erupt from all corners of the room, it's impossible to know who is saying what: "I wonder whose bass this is? Are all the amps rocking? Ah well, their crime is that it's too accessible. Can we just plug in and play? One more beep. Matt's here. We'll just tell him it was played by the bass player from By Divine Right and he'll think it's cool. We have a couple of ideas, we can improvise a song we've never jammed or we can riff on that thing we did on New's Year's Eve when we couldn't stop the party. Start off with handclaps and these shakers we found in the trash. Hey! Those aren't shakers, they're egg-shaped plastic containers with plastic necklaces inside. My neighbour is a crackhead. The cops were coming so he tried to move out before they got there. Let's sing can't stop the party. It was a good weekend, I got to hang with my grandma at the Stock in Woodstock. She saw my show. Can't stop the party. It would be sort of new. It's in C? Mostly in C. Maybe in F. Maybe in G. Hey, Paco's here! What time is it? It's nine. I'll volunteer to be the drum stand. Hey George are these your magazines? Paco play organ." The song we ended up with is called "Can't Stop The Party." Matt James wrote rapping lyrics for it and I wrote this: "The party's stronger than the vote is but that ain't any of your business. Now my true love's out on the prowl but you can't stop the party. You can park your trailer here but you can't stop the party. Sometimes nighttimes end with the beer but you can't stop the party. We try to resurrect our youth here there's nothing left to compensate for it dear. When trouble comes I drink my face in. I drink again to numb my problems. The racer's dead before the party is but that won't cut into your business. Nothing seems to bother me. Spins above the porcelain. You can't stop the party." And so it was that before eleven at night, we all wandered back out onto Geary Street and went our separate ways. When we awoke, "Can't Stop the Party" appeared as the newest installment at Instant Klazzix. And someone else did something else one week later. And so on.
    Toronto, Ontario - Canada

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