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    Artist description
    Project Grimm, formed from the ashes of Houston underground monsters such as the Mike Gunn, Bleach Bath and Smile 69. Ever hear the Mike Gunn? Same singer and guitarist so the sound is related...sort of. We're more melodic and structured. Guess that means we're also less psychedelic and heavy too. Ah well, we do love to rock though. Our influences are too numerous to list. We love jazz, punk, indie rock, lots of 60s and seventies dinosaurs, the post punk and the post rock stuff too...oh and we also hate those labels we all use to pigeonhole music. We use guitar bass and drums and we are considered to be a rock band generally. David Grad from Guitar World obviously thought we weren't cool enough for him, so that's a good sign. If you're ever in Houston check us out, we are at our best live but don't let that stop you from listening to our songs since that's what you're here for. Loser.
    Music Style
    some neo rock-like grumblings that get too heavy for indie dorks and too dynamic for rock idiots...
    Musical Influences
    damn near everything we've heard to date and counting
    Similar Artists
    neil young passing the grifters on his way to the foo fighters house
    Artist History
    Founded in late 93 , or was it 94? ah who cares, anyway, we rose like a hideous smelly mutant phoenix from the ashes of several seminal Houston underground early nineties bands. Weaned on local geniuses like the Party Owls, we are much too stupid to have real lives. We have one cd out which included our past guitarist Jim Otto, who has since left for greener pastures (smart guy). Our new cd is done music wise and if we ever get the intestinal fortitude to do so, we'll put it out ourselves unless someone has a better idea. These songs here for you to check out are rough versions of stuff from the new cd, and a noticable improvement from the last cd I might add. By the way I'm writing whatever the hell I like because I know we're the only people in the world who will ever read this since wer're like dead last in the mp3 shmooze fest ratings. Ah, the joys of semantic masturbation.
    Group Members
    Drew Calhoun bass, Bo Morris drums and John Cramer on guitar and vocals.
    Guitar, Bass, Drums...usually
    Lying Down(1996), Huge Beings (in our lifetime if we're lucky...)
    Press Reviews
    Check the web under a search of Project Grimm. There are some funny ones out there.
    Additional Info
    look us up, I'll bore you with my theories on contemporary music and other useless
    Houston, TX - USA

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