Artist description
A one-man outfit devoted to creating atmospheric yet danceable electronic/hip-hop music that is fun to listen to on and off the dance floor. |
Music Style
Industrial / Techno / Hip-Hop |
Musical Influences
Kool Keith, Aphex Twin, Fatboy Slim, Moby, Tricky, & DJ Shadow |
Similar Artists
Moby, Fatboy Slim, Lo-Fidelity All-Stars |
Artist History
In various forms, Positive Thinking Kills (PTK) has been around for about 3 years. In 1996, Todd Rigney, frontman and sole member, started messing around with computer-generated music after leaving his folk-rock band CLiCHe after a fatal car accident killed his best friend/guitarist. In 1997, Todd released "Faces In The Void" under the alias Industry Of Sound on the web-based J-Bird Records. Though a commercial flop, Industry Of Sound did pick up a few critical acclaims for its inventive experimental approach to industrial music as well as techniques used in creating the album. After about a year-and-a-half fast from the music scene, Todd has returned as Positive Thinking Kills with a fresh approach to the genre he can't seem to stay away from. |
Group Members
Todd Rigney |
Sampler, Lots of vinyl records, and a computer |
Faces In The Void (J-Bird Records) |
Press Reviews
No press reviews yet, but that will hopefully change very soon. |
Additional Info
Released "Faces In The Void" under the name Industry Of Sound. |
Lexington, Kentucky - USA |
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