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    Artist description
    metal/screamo/rock all mixed together
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    metal/screamo/rock all mixed together
    Similar Artists
    Cave In/ Poison the Well/Barret
    Artist History
    Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about Dispensing of False Halos. Dispensing of False Halos started in late Feb. ‘01 after a few member changes and the name Mourning Recluse was put to rest. Five friends getting together to do something they love and make something of it. The band was formed after two nationally known bands: Eclipse of Eden & In Loving Memory had called it quits earlier in the year. Parts of the band(s) went on to form Examination of the..., The and Dispensing of False Halos. While shying away from the typical scene that we have fallen into. We decided with this band to break those barriers and bring down the genre gap between punk rock, , screamo, emo, metal and so on. Therefore not to exclude ourselves or the kids supporting what we are doing. Anyone that knows us realizes that we put a lot of thought into our music. Most of our songs are dealing with personal problem that we have dealt with growing up (i.e. child abuse, friends coming and going, and just the struggle of being yourself). Each song is well thought out on our part by collectively bringing in the riffs, drumbeats and subject matter until a basic format is set to get it started. After nit picking and fitting, a song is complete. From the very first practice it was agreed upon that if one person was not ok with the song then we would rewrite it until it was satisfying to all. In the end we are producing a song that we would enjoy as well as the listener. After three weeks of playing together we decided to tour for one week. Something small to expose ourselves to a bit a criticism and maybe find a positive response from kids, and we did. Kids loved it as much as we did. They could feel the energy as much as they fed theirs to us. So it was agreed that we where on the right path. Playing out weekends and booking 6 weeks out of the summer of ‘01 time to hit the eastern side of the states as well as the Midwest. All that was hoped for worked out well. Since the beginning we have toured a total of about 12 weeks as well as playing shows out on the weekend and where they tend to fit. Most recently we toured 5 weeks (Nov 13-Dec 15th) in support of our new CD that is to be released on a new label 1eye Records out of New Orleans. The release date was pushed into the new year for mid to late Jan. With little time at all we stayed up many nights making 3inch CDRs and screen printed hand sown sleeves, releasing it as a tour version “pre-release“ 1/250 copies. Nearly 3 weeks into tour and we had sold out of all of the new CD, T-shirts, patches and buttons. Of course we where overwhelmed with how well we where doing, but we played many shows with very little merch. We still had many copies of our old CD for the kids...however we find that a past representation of us, not quite what they where seeing. For the first year we have done everything in our power to promote, produce and find our way around the country without the help of anyone. By all means it was very successful in getting us where we are now. It is now time that we look beyond that and ask for help from an outside independent party willing to help us as much as we can help them. So to close this up we will end by saying what we represent. It is very simple to us...we do not as band represent any politics, beliefs or bridges that may keep us from meeting and making new friends. All though each person in the band holds their ground on personal choices and ideas, we find it very easy to be respectful of each other.
    Group Members
    William Bliss-Guitar*Brian Dingemon-Bass*Rusty Steele-Vocals*Joe Carrington-Guitar*Bill Bailey-Drums
    We PLay On: peavey 5150/ mesa triple rectafier/ carvin 4-12 cabs/epiphone SG/ Washburn/ ESP viper/EMG pickups/Custom 250 bass head/Custom 2-15 cab/ Schector bass/ Yamaha drums/
    Summer tour 2001 (7 songs)/ Fall Tour 2001 (4 songs)
    Des Moines, Iowa - USA

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