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    Artist description
    Digging into the band's creation.... What started out as a two man band in the spring of 94...Revile was born to walk this side of the grave with the release of a 3 song demo. Allan Boughton, guitars & bass and Brian Ash, drums & vocals were ready to dig up the remaining stiffs to complete one of the heaviest bands in Michigan. With a twist of fate and the alignment of the planets the dead rose to greet the unsuspecting mortals, RJ Thomas, vocals and Shawn Peterson, guitar & bass. Lacking a bass player the band moved on releasing a 7 song demo after which they began dusting off the stones in surrounding cemeteries in search of what was missing. With shovels in hand the remains of bassist Jay Hamilton was unearthed now. Complete the five souls hit the studio to create “Within the Garden”; the full length CD, which with the help of the bands independent label went world wide. Certainly with this intense line up, no grave is safe. Revile is currently working on a new CD to be released this year... it will be intense and brutal which is what has come to be expected of the band. Immortal or not this striving force known as Revile will not soon be forgotten; rest in peace...if you can Revile
    Music Style
    Death metal
    Group Members
    RJ Thomas-vocals Shawn Peterson-guitars Allan Boughton-guitars Jay Hamilton-bass Brian Ash-drums
    Revile-Demo; Within The Garden
    Press Reviews
    From the bowels of Michigan (that doesn't mean their sh*t, they're from Colon, MI) comes 15 tracks of brutal death metal. Very American sounding. The vocals are low and growly. The title track rips. No black metal. This has solid production; heavy and clear. This also includes 'From Side to Side', a song included on The Epitaph Magazine comp. -Review from Jam Rag I have never heard a band that sounded so identical to Internal Bleeding in my life. Upon hearing these vocals, I immediately checked the j-card to make sure this wasn't Frank Rini's side project. But somehow, this band gets away with it. In fact, after repeated listens, I found this to be a lot more memorable than Internal Bleeding. Especially "From Side To Side", "The Will To Die", and "Cross The Gate". A very well produced and professional looking 7-song skull f*ck. If you want brutal Metal done the right way, this is money well spent. Much better than I expected coming from a town named after a part of the large intestine. Rating: 9 -Review from Portrait Of Defiance Godzilla heavy! That's how heavy this album is. Crazy time signatures, pure speed, and a landslide of guitar sludge keep this on the side of the fence that the puny and weak should not venture over too. Revile hail from the Ann Arbor, MI area which is traditionally not known for its heavy music scene but somehow these fellers managed to remain true to their art...destroying, pummeling, mutilating, crushing, bashing...get the vibe? If you like it super heavy, go get the album and crank it up f*cker! -Review from Root Canal issue #5
    Colon, MI - USA

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