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    Artist History
    Born in 1934 the son of a well to do importer/exporter and amoorish refugee, Huyn first encountered pain when the family cat bit him in the face at age 4 months. On the occasion of his eleventh birthday, he was sent to China where he immersed himself in Taoism and rice farming. Qualifying for the Helsinki Olympics in 1952, Huyn took fourth in the high jump with a height of six feet 4 and one half inches. Dejected, Huyn holed up in a cottage in the north of England for six months, and recorded what is believed to be his first attempt at music. By 1955, Huyn had figured out the intricacies of the day's music, taking a feed of American rock music, jazz, and country, as well as the folk music of Denmark and the Indian subcontinent. His first record, "Mister Huyn presents Himself" was a critical, commercial, and emotional failure, however many critics today site it as both ahead of its time and essential to understanding the development of such bands as The BeeGees and NWA. Mister Huyn released 9 more records in the next four years, selling in total thirteen copies. Huyn took the next seven years off, writing poetry and serving as the Italian ambassador to Russia. In 1967, however, Huyn created his most compelling work yet, "Traces of Grape Juice" sold only 67 copies, but left a permanent print on the course of pop music, and the hippie scene at the time. The next five records were experimental, and obviously very drug inspired, but the song "Trough of Sin (For Pigs)", a commentary on the sin trough his landlord used to feed his pigs, provided his first chart success and also a Grammy nomination for Best Record We Have No Category For. However, it lost to a recording of music for use in supermarkets. Afterward, Huyn disappeared until 1981, at which time he released possibly the most underrated album ever "Rooms of Space", sweeping both the Canadian Music Awards, and being proclaimed “Best Thing Ever (sic.)” in Mongolia. Huyn experienced the extremities of fame after its release, and in 1983 disappeared again. He has not been heard from since, and due to a catastrophic fire, the Huyn Archives in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, were almost completely destroyed in 1995. The Huyn Society has managed to glean some remnants out of the wreckage, and have posted the fruits of their labors on this site. Huyn’s material is still being released, and his latest recording, "Asbaba" was released in 2001.
    Group Members
    Mister Huyn
    The human spirit
    Detroit, Michigan - USA

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